Whenever you kill an enemy minion with your arcane abilities reduce the cooldown of your abilties by 2 seconds per enemy killed. Effect is doubled for enemy heroes.
Primary Abilities
Arcane Missles
Cast a wave of 5 arcane missiles. Missiles will travel until they hit their target, cannot be out ranged. Each missile hit reduces the targets healing taken by 5%. 10 second cooldown.
Arcane Orb
Cast an orb of arcane energy that pierces as it travels. Will explode when done traveling or comes into contact with an enemy hero. Enemies hit by arcane orb take 25% more damage from you for 4 seconds. 8 second cooldown
You teleport to the targeted location knocking back any enemies within 10 yards. 15 second cooldown
Heroic Abilities
Archon Form
Transform into a being of pure arcane energy for 15 seconds. While in Archon form, your normal abilities are replaced by powerful Archon abilities and your damage, Armor and resistances are increased by 10%. 120 second cooldown
Mirror Images
Create 3 copies of yourself. Damage taken is instead redirected to your copies. Each copy mimics your ability casts for 30% of the damage. 60 second cooldown
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