Wardruid Loti by Lalution

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Wardruid Loti

By: Lalution
Last Updated: Mar 10, 2020
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Wardruid Loti

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I decided to choose a hero for the concept: Wardruid Loti.
I will make it as a multi hero with 4 roles (Tank, Assassin, Fighter and Mage / Hiller)
it will be easier for me to make a list of talents for each role separately.

Wardruid Loti
Statistics: Health-2054 Attack-73
Attack range is 1.5 Mana-0(no mana)

Combat Trait

The essence of the dinosaur:

(D) At level 1, select an entity that you can transform into.
Cooldown: 6 second

Primary Abilities

Wardruid Loti

These are abilities that you can use outside the form of a dinosaur.

(Q) Healing Touch

Restores 190 (+4) health to the selected target (self or allied hero)
Cooldown: 8 seconds

(W) Confusion Roots:

Apply the “Root” effect to an enemy hero for 5 seconds. Upon receipt of 230 (+ 4%) damage in the roots, it is released.
Damage: 54 (+4) per second. Range: 5.5 Cooldown: 13 seconds.

(E) Roire!:

When applied to an enemy (and enemy hero), you jump on him, causing auto-attack damage. When applied to an ally, you and your chosen ally move 30% faster for 2 seconds.
Radius-6 meters Cooldown-9 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Heroic abilities:Ravasaur

Level 10:
• (R1) Poisonous bite: You bite an enemy, causing 320 damage and reducing the healing received by the enemy by 100% for 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Heroes abilities:Ankylodon

Level 10:
• (R1)Bite: You grab an enemy hero and drag him in the selected direction for 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 70 seconds.

Heroes abilities: Sabertask

Level 10:
• (R1) To here!: Summons oak roots bursting from the ground in the indicated area, which inflict damage to enemies, stuns the enemy hero closest to the center for 0.5 sec and casts him to the place where the talent was applied.
Cooldown-60 Damage-350 Explosion radius-2.5m Range-7m.

Heroes abilities: Pterrordax

• (R1) Vengeful Roots: In the chosen area, defiled roots sprout, which grab the enemies who attacked them (Route 1.5 seconds) and deal 219 damage.
Cooldown-45 Radius-5m

Gonk, the Raptor

Level 10:
• (R2) Gonk, the Raptor: you call Gonk to attack the selected enemy (the target is selected and R changes). Gonk applies all the abilities that you use. Duration 20 seconds.
Stats: Health-1200 Attack-75 Attack Speed-1.25
Cooldown: 90 seconds.


Tier Talent Ravasaur:

Level 4:


Level 1:Ankylodon:
Each of your 3 auto attacks for the same purpose applies a taunt to it for 1.5 seconds.

(Q) Spikes: take a defensive stance


Level 1:Sabertusk: Health regeneration increases by 30 (when taking damage, health regeneration increases by x1.5)

(Q) Mark of the victim: you hang a mark on the target for 15 seconds. Every second, while the mark hangs on the target and the hero sees it, its first damage to the target increases by 20% up to 120%.
Cooldown: 10 seconds

(W) Two paws: Your next attack is considered a double auto attack with splash damage (Damage from this ability, counts as instant damage)
Cooldown: 9 seconds.

(E) Jump door: You jump to the selected point for damage.
Cooldown: 11 Damage: 210 Radius of damage-3m. Jump Range 6m

Level 4:


Level 1:Pterrordax
Your abilities and attacks impose a debuff on enemies. The debuff increases the damage taken from abilities by 10%.

(Q) An insect swarm: An insect swarm sets off to attack an attacked target, taking 72 damage over 6 sec.
Cooldown-7 Range-7m.

(W) Starfire:] You cast a spell for 2 seconds. Target takes 210 damage.
Cooldown-11 Range-8m

(E) Tornado: You raise your target with a wind cyclone for 4 seconds. While the target is in the air, it is invulnerable.
Cooldown 13 seconds.

Level 4:

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