Warfield by Attest

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By: Attest
Last Updated: Oct 27, 2017
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Battle-Hardened Veteran

"Clear the bridge! I've got a battle to win."

The Stalwart Marine

Horace Warfield grew up another Terran colonist in one of the core worlds, subjected to a life of high work ethic and, unfortunately, abuse at home. While his siblings followed his parents footsteps into medical professions, though, Horace Warfield decided he'd rather enlist in the Conderate Marine Corps. He quickly climbed ranks and impressed his superiors with his honed dedication to victory and his razor-sharp focus on stratagems. In his trials he came across the now-infamous Arcturus Mengsk, then an officer in the Confederate army, and through multiple battles and conflicts, Warfield and Mengsk developed a comraderie that would carry on into their futures. It was Warfield's bravery and dedication to protecting his men that Mengsk saw as a valuable asset on the field of battle, and it was Warfield's stellar sense of strategy that would win Mengsk many more battles to come.

The Confederacy's Fall from Grace

After most of the conflicts involving the Confederacy were ended, and most uprisings quashed, Warfield became a glorified "peacekeeper" in the sector, engaging in violent acts of obedience and security which the Confederacy became known for; soon enough, his disillusionment with his superiors' agendas built to a breaking point. With the fall of Korhal through nuclear eradication, Warfield had seen enough of the corrupt side of the Confederacy and took his personal battlecruiser and hand-picked crew to flee the system, evading Confederate pursuit and hiding away until the moment was right to return and strike back at the oppressors.

Eventually he came back into contact with Arcturus Mengsk, who requisitioned his services alongside the rebel group, the Sons of Korhal, aiming to take back the power of the Confederacy for the people who it oppressed. With Warfield's knowledge of Confederate protocol and installations, Mengsk and the Sons of Korhal struck decisive blows to the Confderacy, though in their campaigns during the Brood Wars, Warfield invariably lost family and friends. Eventually, the Terran Dominion was made manifest on the ashes of the old Confederacy, and after some time, Warfield found retirement to be a new calling.

The Return of Kerrigan

Peace does not last for long, and the Terran worlds of the Dominion soon found themselves once again at the mercy of Zerg onslaughts, as Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, began to make good on her promise of revenge against Mengsk and his followers. In the middle of this chaos, the rebel Jim Raynor was called to a campaign of great importance, converging his paths with that of Mengsk and Kerrigan. In order to maintain control over the ever-growing escalations, Mengsk had no choice but to pull Warfield from retirement and bring his military knowledge and might to bear. A political move that inspired calm amidst the calamity, Mengsk's hope was that Warfield and the Dominion Army would be more than enough to handle both the troublesome Raynor's Raiders and the violently encroaching Zerg threat. Mengsk assumed the Dominion's might would win out, as always.

With time, that assumption would be Mengsk's folly. In a series of blunders by the military and unfortunate battles that favored the Raiders' advancements, the Dominion soon began to lose its control of the situation. Warfield, having seen years of Mengsk's rule first hand, and seeing before him what greater threats still awaited all of humanity, made a decision to join with young Valerian, the crown prince of the Dominion, and make a final stand on Char to bring the Queen of Blades to heel. In this conflict, Warfield found that the labelled terrorist Raynor was no more than a man fighting for what was right, and in combat, Warfield saw a side to the former Marshall that no propaganda or smear campaign could tarnish: valor, morals, and courage under fire. Warfield helped Raynor and Valerian succeed in their conquest of Char, and it was there he remained to keep watch over the planet and eradicate the remaaining Zerg while Valerian's forces escaped with Raynor and Kerrigan and regrouped far from the Dominion. It was also there, on that fiery planet, where Warfield met his grisly end.

The Reclamation of Char

After a somewhat successful campaign of removing much of the Zerg presence on Char, Warfield was surprised to see Kerrigan return with amassed Zerg forces, looking to reclaim her former world. He had not known of the events prior, in which the Dominion ambushed Valerian's forces and left Kerrigan split off from the others, and presuming Raynor to be dead. He only saw a renewed Queen of Blades looking to gather her swarm and create more bloodshed. In his final stand on Char, Warfield brought the might of the superbattlecruiser Gorgon to bear upon the Hive Queen Zagara and her minions. The cruiser's firepower was unrivaled, but with aggressive advancements by the Zerg, the Terran forces could not sustain their footing on the planet, and their base soon became overrun by the ceaseless waves of the living Swarm. The only option left was to flee.

In the chaos of the final battles, Warfield had succumbed to heavy injuries during an explosion, becoming grievously wounded with steel and alloy beams protruding through his body. While trying to remove them, Kerrigan approached him. He told her of his wounded men trying to flee and how no more innocents needed to die, and in his final chastisement of the renewed Queen of Blades, he asked her, "What if Raynor could see you right now?" He received his answer as her emotions boiled over and she telekinetically drove the steel beam lodged in his torso further into him, killing him where he sat. However, his words did echo truth inside of her, and Kerrigan sent psychic word to the Swarm to let the escaping Terrans flee with their lives. Warfield's final stand drove the Queen of Blades to mercy, a legacy that lived on through her triumphant rise over the Dominion.

Arm the Nexus!

In the Nexus, Warfield brings his militant experience and clever strategies to drop heavy artillery down on enemies before assaulting them with trained front-line soldiers and deadly charged attacks. Using his energy-based combat suit, Warfield can deliver explosive punishment to the enemy's forces, doing terrible, terrible damage to their Minions and fortifications while securing lanes and providing essential vision of the battlefield.
Unleash the might of the Dominion's best and leave your enemies in awe of your firepower!

Character Summary

Combat Trait

Lock and Load
Warfield is an unrivaled veteran of warfare across the Koprulu Sector and is always ready for a fight!

Warfield uses Energy to power his Arm Cannon and Abilities, regenerating at a rate of 5 Energy every 2 seconds, and by double that amount after 2 seconds out of combat.

Activate Lock and Load to instantly reduce your Basic Ability cooldowns by 30%.
Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Lock and Load by 1.5 seconds.

Cooldown: 25 seconds

Primary Abilities

Mortar Round
Launch a mortar round into the sky that separates into explosives, which then rain down on foes.

Launch a mortar high into the air in a target direction that then separates and creates 3 explosions in a line. Each burst deals 120 (+4%) damage to all enemies hit. Deals 15% more damage to non-Heroic units.

Cost: 30 Energy
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Decimator Cannon
Warfield charges his arm cannon to unleash a devastating blast.

Warfield charges his arm cannon for up to 5 seconds, remaining rooted while doing so. Upon reactivation or finishing the charge, he unleash a narrow blast of superheated air in a line up to 4 distance away that deals 320 (+4%) damage to all enemies hit, increasing in length and damage by 5% for every second he charged the beam.

The cannon Overheats, and for every second past 2 seconds that the beam was charged, the cost of the charged shot is increased by an additional 5 Energy and the cooldown is increased by 1 second.

Cost: 35 Energy
Cooldown: 16 seconds
War Pig
Call down a War Pig mercenary to fight for Warfield.

Summon a War Pig Marine to the target area, landing via drop-pod after 1 second. The Marine has 460 (+4%) Health and deals 42 (+4%) damage per second at 4.5 range, lasting 10 seconds.

Total 2 charges.

Cost: 30 Energy
Cooldown: 18 seconds per charge

Heroic Abilities

Gorgon Battlecruiser
Bring down the unrivaled firepower of the Super-Battlecruiser Gorgon upon the battlefield.

Warfield becomes rooted in place and generates a large conal targeting reticule over 1.5 seconds.
Afterward, the Gorgon Battlecruiser enters orbit above him and unleashes a hailstorm of gunfire, dealing 1000 (+4%) damage over 4 seconds to all enemies in the area of effect.
The reticule moves slowly with the cursor.

This ability annihilates and utterly destroys enemy Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters.

Cost: 65 Energy
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Sensor Tower
Deploy a tower that uses radar to crudely locate enemies on the map near its vicinity.

Deploy a Sensor Tower with 1200 (+4%) health that lasts 20 seconds and creates a large perimeter around itself (radius: 15), detecting any non-Stealth enemy unit that enters its range and displaying their movements with a red [!] mark whenever allies do not have direct vision of them. The markings appear on the minimap as well where they will distinguish Heroic and non-Heroic targets.

Stealthed enemies that come within 4 range of the Tower are Revealed.

Cost: 50 Energy
Cooldown: 100 seconds

Level 1 Talents


Punisher Grenades [Passive]
Attacks now splash and slow enemies but happen less frequently.
  • Basic Attacks now deal splash damage in a small area and Slow enemies
    by 15% for 1.25 seconds, but Warfield's attack speed is reduced by 25%.

Lateral Arc [Q]
Mortar Round can fire farther.
  • Mortar Round can be fired 20% farther out.

Charged Up [W]
Hit Heroes to reduce charge time on Decimator Cannon.
  • Quest: Hit enemy Heroes 40 times with Decimator Cannon.
  • Reward: Decimator Cannon can now fully charge 2 seconds sooner.

Combat Armor [E]
War Pigs gain health and armaments to protect them from non-Hero enemies.
  • War Pigs now take 30% less damage from non-Heroic
    sources, and their health is increased by 10%.


Level 4 Talents


Optic Flare [Active]
Launch a long-lasting flare to a target location that reveals the area.
  • Fire a phosphorous flare out to a target location. While slowly falling for
    4 seconds, the area around it is Revealed, seeing over terrain and through cover
    and detecting Stealth units. Enemies standing underneath the center of the
    Flare are Blinded, making their Basic Attacks miss for the duration of the effect.

    Cost: 30 Energy
    Cooldown: 70 seconds

Cooling Apparatus [W]
Charged Burst suffers less Overheat effects.
  • Reduce the cooldown penalty from overheating
    Charged Burst by 0.5 seconds per stack.

Veterans of War [E]
Warfield deals more damage to Minions and Mercenaries, as do War Pigs.
  • Warfield and his War Pigs deal 30% more damage
    to Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters.


Level 7 Talents


Smell of Napalm [Q]
Fire continues to burn in the blast zones of Mortar Round, damaging enemies.
  • For 1.5 seconds after Mortar Round hits, deal 45 (+4%) damage
    every 0.5 seconds to enemies standing in the areas of effect.

Efficient Reactor [W]
Charged Burst costs less and has a lowered cooldown.
  • Lower the cooldown of Charged Burst by 2 seconds and the cost by 10 Energy.

Strength in Numbers [E]
While War Pigs are active, Warfield deals more damage.
  • For every War Pig within 3 range of Warfield,
    he gains 10% increased Basic Attack damage.


Level 13 Talents


Orbital Reinforcements [E]
War Pigs summon faster and will reinforce when killed prematurely.
  • The summoning time for War Pigs is reduced by 0.5 seconds. When a War Pig
    dies within the first 2 seconds of spawning, the cooldown of 1 charge is reset.
    This effect has a 20 second cooldown.

War Rations [Active]
Warfield heals over time, stronger if at low health.
  • Activate to heal Warfield 20% of his health over 4 seconds.
    This healing is increased by 50% if he is under 20% health when activating.

    Cost: 45 Mana
    Cooldown: 50 seconds

Every Shot Counts [Trait]
Basic Attacks gain increased cooldown reduction for Lock and Load.
  • Basic Attacks now reduce Lock and Load by 2.5 seconds.


Level 16 Talents


Reload! [Trait]
Increase the cooldown reduction from Lock and Load.
  • Lock and Load now reduces Basic Ability cooldowns by 40%.

Plasma Rounds [Passive]
Basic Attacks deal more damage and ignore some Armor.
  • Basic Attacks deal 15% more damage and now ignore up to 10 Armor of any kind.

Endless Contracts [E]
Warfield may summon an additional War Pig, and more frequently.
  • Grants an additional charge to War Pigs, and the cooldown is lowered by 3 seconds.


Level 20 Talents


Terrible, Terrible Damage [R]
You now unleash a line of chaingun bullets dead center in the targeting area.
  • While Gorgon is active, Warfield also fires from a mounted chaingun that deals
    500 (+4%) additional damage over the duration, firing down a line in the
    center of your targeting area. The targeting reticule now moves 20% faster as well.

Comsat Relay [R]
While Sensor Tower is active, Warfiled can activate it to reveal areas.
  • Sensor Tower grants a new ability while active: Scanner Sweep.

    Scanner Sweep: Activate every 5 seconds to reveal a small area within the range
    of the Sensor Tower for 2.5 seconds, detecting all enemies and seeing over terrain.

Ionized Capacitor [Q]
Total Energy is increased and attacks restore Energy.
  • Basic Attacks now generate 3 Energy and your total Energy is increased by 20.

Hammer Securities [E]
War Pigs are upgraded to the explosive Hammer Securities Marauders.
  • War Pigs now become Marauders that have 50% more health
    and deal area damage that slows enemies by 15% for 1 second.
    Marauders deal 50% extra damage to Structures.


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