Sally Whitemane was a high ranking member of the Scarlet Crusade, who led the purge of the undeads and their allies in Tirisfal from the halls of the Scarlet Monastery.
In her childhood she was forced to kill her own family that was infected by plague and transformed to mindless zombies. She joined the Scarlet Crusade to take her revenge on the Scourge... and to unleash the endless rage boiling inside her.
Now she has entered the Nexus, ready to destroy the tainted champions of darkness and everyone who stands in her way.
Whitemane casts large a variety of healing spells that can also damage or hinder her foes.
She uses a ressource called "Holy Power" that can be build up to empower her abilities and spend quickly to heal multiple allies for a large amount.
Having no mana she can heal and damage only restricted by her CDs, so her health and her defensive options are extremely low, she always needs protection in teamfights.
Health: 1190 (+4%)
Health Reg: 2.8 (+4%)
Holy Power: 0/8
Attack Damage: 64 (+4%)
Attack Range: 5.5
Attack Speed: 1 per sec
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