Witch King of Angmar by PrivateJoker

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Witch King of Angmar

By: PrivateJoker
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2017
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Witch King of Angmar

Lord of the Nazgul

Not gonna happen, but who cares.

HP: 2200

Attack Speed: 1
Attack Damage: 160

Combat Trait

Passive: Immune to blinds; all other crowdcontrol has its duration reduced by 25%.

Active: Dealing damage to enemies causes them to be under the effect of Ringwraith for 3 seconds.

Primary Abilities

Passive: Every second basic attack is carried out with the Witchkings morning star, dealing bonus damage worth 2% the target hero's maximum HP.

Active: Lands a devastating blow with the morning star, dealing 200 dmg and reducing the target heroes movement and attack speed by 50% for 1 second.
Reap the timid
The next 3 basic attacks happen at 200% attack speed.

If the target is under the effect of Ringwraith or Shriek, they deal 50% bonus damage.

If the target is under the effect of both, they deal 100% bonus damage.

Heals the Witch King for 100% of the bonus damage dealt.
Shrieks loudly, affecting all foes in a large area around him. Enemy minions, summons and mercenaries are stunned for 4 seconds, enemy heroes are silenced for 0.5 seconds and deal 10% less damage for 3,5 seconds afterwards. Deals no damage.

Heroic Abilities

Hour of the Witch King
Knocks all enemies back except for the target hero, who is rooted for 1.5 seconds. Lights his sword on fire, causing his basic attacks to deal 100% bonus damage, and becomes unstoppable.
The ability lasts 4 seconds. Basic attacks against the target extend the duration by 0.5 seconds.
Morgul Blade
Stabs a target hero with a Morgul Blade, dealing 100 damage instantly as well as 1000 damage over the course of 10 seconds, reducing the targets speed and damage by 25% for the duration (stacks with Shreak, but can be cleansed with Cleanse).

If the target hero dies while under the effect of Morgul Blade, they turn into a Wraith that fights for the Witch King, dealing moderate damage, but slowing enemies, lasting 12 seconds.

Special Mount

Rides a flying fellbeast. Takes 2.5 seconds to mount, but is invulnerable while mounted. Cannot attack while mounted and the only ability you can use mounted is Shriek.

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