XUL Rework by skyhots

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XUL Rework

By: skyhots
Last Updated: Aug 25, 2024
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XUL Rework

It's Xul But the new talent skill Rework

Rework concept Of Xul
Don't Check my Spell please! I bad at it

Combat Trait

Raise Skeleton [Trait]

When a nearby enemy Minion dies, it becomes a Skeletal Warrior with 200 Health that attacks for 20 damage and lasts up to 10 seconds. Up to 10 Skeletal Warriors can be active at once.
Reactivative to destroy all skeleton at once.
cooldown: 5 seconds
Radius: 12.

Primary Abilities

Spectral Scythe [Q]

Summon a Scythe that Travels to Xul after 1 second, dealing 200 damage to enemies. Hitting enemy Heroes spawns a Skeletal Warrior
*The scythe travel faster
CD: 9 seconds
Mana 55

Cursed Strike [W]

Cleaving a huge area in front of you with 50% more damage, Reducing enemies attack speed by 40% and slow them 20% for 3 seconds.
Passive: Each 4th basic attack apply Cursed Strikes.
*Spell damage instead.
CD: 10 seconds.
Mana 50

Bone Spear [E]

-New Ability-
Deal 40 damage in the line to enemies, It can be reactivated to create a wall of Bone which blocks enemies from moving through it for 3 seconds.
*Bone Health: 200.
CD: 15 seconds.
Mana 60

Secondary Abilities

Bone Armor [1]

Active to gain a shield equal to 25% of Xul's maximum Health for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Heroic Abilities

Poison Nova [R]

After 0.5 seconds, release poisonous missiles that deal 600 damage to all enemies hit over 10 seconds.
Passive: Dealing spell damage an enemy hero with also spawn a skeletal in their feet.
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Mana 100

Bone Prison [R]

After a 2 second delay, deal 70 damage and root the target enemy Hero for 2 seconds. Enemies Rooted by Bone Prison lose 5 Armor for the duration, up to 25 for each times they taken damage.
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Mana 80


Level 1


When Bone Armor expires, Xul steals life all nearby enemy Heroes equal to 10% of their maximum Health.


While Bone Armor is active, nearby enemies are Slowed by 35% for 1 Second. Damaging against Heroes that are Stunned, Rooted, or Slowed reduce the cooldown of Bone Armor by 2 seconds.


While Bone Armor is active, Xul evades all Basic Attacks, but increases the cooldown of Bone Armor by 10 seconds.

Level 4

Reaper's Toll [Q]

Hitting an enemy Hero reduces the cooldown of Spectral Scythe by 2 and the mana cost by 15.

Grim Scythe [W]

Each enemy hero hit by Cursed Strikes reduces its cooldown by 1.5 seconds, up to 10 seconds. It also trigger with the 4th Basic Attack.

HyperBone [E]

-New Talent-
Bone Spear now can knock enemy Heroes aside and still travel after being reactivated. Each enemy Heroes hit reduce Its cooldown by 2 seconds.

Level 7

Decrepify [Q]

-New Talent-
Enemy Heroes who are damaged by Spectral Scythe is received 75% less healing for 4 seconds and Slowed them by 25% for 2 seconds.

Harvest Vitality [W]

Cursed Strikes heals for 75% of the damage dealt to Heroes. Effective with The 4th Basic Attack.

Fresh Corpse [D]

-New Talent-
Every time a Skeletal Warrior Raised or Dead, restore 0.5% of Xul's maximum Health.

Level 10

Poison Nova [R]

After 0.5 seconds, release poisonous missiles around him that deal 600 damage to all enemies hit over 10 seconds.
Passive: Dealing spell damage an enemy hero with also spawn a skeletal in their feet.
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Mana cost: 100

Bone Prison [R]

After a 2 second delay, deal 70 damage and root the target enemy Hero for 2 seconds. Enemies Rooted by Bone Prison lose 5 Armor for the duration, up to 25 for each times they taken damage.
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Mana 80

Level 13

Echoes of Death [Q]

Spectral Scythe spawns 2 additional scythes next to the first after 1.5 seconds, dealing 50% damage.

Rapid Harvest [W]

Gain 4% Attack Speed for 4 seconds each time Cursed Strikes hits an enemy, up to 40%. Effective with The 4th Basic Attack.

Bonemaker [E]

-New Talent-
Traveling of The Bone Spear that leave a Bone wall behind it path. The Bone Wall last for 3 seconds, has 200 Health and can be destroyed.
Passive: The Bone Spear gain additional charge.

Level 16

The Era Of the Undead[D]

-New Talent-
All enemies minions dead in anywhere of the map will become The untalented skeletal warriors.
Passive: The Skeleton rise by this way do not count toward to *Raise Skeleton.

Corpse explosion[D]

Skeletal deals 40 damage to nearby enemies when they die.
Passive: Increase The Xul's Raise Skeleton number maximum by 10.

Eternal Skeleton[D]

-New Talent-
Each Skeletal Warriors are living increase Its damage and Health by 10%, up to 100%.
Passive: Skeletal Warriors have no longer lifespan and using Trait[D] no longer destroy skeletons

Level 20

Andariel's Visage [R]

Poison Nova heals for 50% of the damage dealt and its duration is increased by 50%.

Bone Mastery [R]

-New Talent-
Gain talented Bone Armor while Bone Prison Delay and Root time. Can stack up with the Bone Armor. Each times taking damage from enemy heroes while Shield Active gain 5% Spell Armor, up to 25% for the duration.

Kalan's Edict [D]

Each time Skeletal Warriors raise or dead reduce the cooldown of Bone Armor by 0.5 second and Xul's Heroic Ability by 0.25 seconds. can stack with *The Era Of the Undead Rise(level 16).

Weaken [Q/W]

Enemy Heroes who are damaged by Cursed Strikes or Spectral Scythe deal 35% less damage for 3 seconds. Apply with The 4th Basic Attack






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