Yogg-Saron by Who_You_Expect

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By: Who_You_Expect
Last Updated: Apr 23, 2019
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The God of Death

Yogg-Saron, one of the Old Gods on Azeroth, materializes as a Core Replacing Support, who drives all enemies to madness, causing infighting, paranoia, and terror.

Rough Level '0' Stats

Health - 125% of the normal Core Health.
Health Regeneration - 0.125%/s

Attack Damage - 125% of the normal Core Damage.
Attack Speed - Normal
Attack Range - Normal

Combat Trait

[D] - Spreading Madness
Passive; Fun Times for All
Your abilities stack Madness on the enemy heroes, which stacks up to 100. Stacks of madness slowly screw with the opposing players, and at every milestone, causes Yogg-Saron to whisper to them. All effects from previous Madness Tiers apply. Any illusions summoned cannot deal damage, and die immediately when hit with any kind of damage, without blocking any skillshots, but they last until they are hit by the hero they appeared for. This does mean that they can stack. Indefinitely.

20 Madness
The enemy hero, and a radius of 1.5 around them, are revealed to Yogg-Saron.

40 Madness
Every 3 minion wave spawns, an extra minion wave will appear to spawn for the affected player after 5 seconds in a random lane. These minions will only appear for the affected player.

60 Madness
Every 45 seconds, the affected enemy will see a random non-boss mercenary camp get captured and sent down the lane. Only the enemy it appeared for will see it. Cannot trigger on captured mercenary camps. If all mercenary camps are captured, the effect is delayed until one becomes available again.

80 Madness
Every 25 seconds, the enemy will see an illusion of one of Yogg-Saron's allies, as if it just walked into their vision range. Only the enemy it appeared for will be able to see it. The illusion hero acts as an Adept A.I.

100 Madness
For 5 seconds, the player with 100 Madness sees everyone as a Faceless, and can damage or heal anyone. Heroes are displayed with random Faceless names instead of their normal player names. After those 5 seconds, their Madness is reset.
Madness Quotes
Madness Tier Advancement Quotes
(Also, Whisper quotes.)

"Give into your fear."
"Trust is your weakness."
"You will be alone in the end."
"Kill them all before they kill you."
"They have turned against you. Now, take your revenge."
(Against Abathur) "Your evolution will fail you."
(Against Alarak) "They will fail you.. Just like your god."
(Against Alexstrasza) "Not even Aspects are safe.."
(Against Ana) "You held her back.. For nothing.."
(Against Anduin) "You are too forgiving..."
(Against Anub'arak) "See what you have become.. His puppet.."
(Against Artanis) "You shall follow your mentors."
(Against Arthas) "No king rules forever."
(Against Auriel) "Hope.. is an illusion.."
(Against Azmodan) "You should be ruling.. Not the others."
(Against (Diablo) Barbarians) "Your allies will betray you.. Turn your rage on them."
(Against Blaze) "Why spare them from the fire?"
(Against Brightwing) "Your dream shall crumble."
(Against Chen) "Drown yourself in your sorrows."
(Against Cho'Gall) "Obey the Master's will..."
(Against Chromie) "You should not have saved him from the Infinite.."
(Against (Diablo) Crusaders) "Your faith is a lie."
(Against Dehaka) "Think of the essence of your allies.."
(Against Demon Hunters) "You have become what you hunt.."
(Against Diablo) "You do not know true terror.."
(Against D.Va) "This is more than just a game.."
(Against E.T.C) "You are a joke."
(Against Falstad) "Can you truly trust her?"
(Against Fenix) "You gave your life... For nothing.."
(Against Garrosh) "Do they belong in your Horde..?"
(Against Gazlowe) "This is a profitless venture."
(Against Genji) "How can you accept.. Such a twisted nature?"
(Against Greymane) "You failed your people.."
(Against Gul'dan) "You are just a pawn."
(Against Hanzo) "You are beyond redemption."
(Against Illidan) "Helping others has only caused them to betray you."
(Against Imperius) "Do not hide your Wrath... embrace it.."
(Against Jaina) "You could have saved him..
(Against Junkrat) "Why stop the mayhem at just those against you..?"
(Against Kael'thas) "Where were you when he destroyed your home?
(Against Kel'Thuzad) ???
(Against Kerrigan) ???
(Against Leoric) "They will all betray you.."
(Against Li Li) "Your adventuring leads only to your doom."
(Against Lt. Morales) "You only delay the inevitable."
(Against Lunara) "You shall fall.. Like your father before you."
(Against Maiev) ???
(Against Malfurion) "Your dream collapses into a nightmare."
(Against Mal'Ganis) "Even your master is doomed to fail..."
(Against Malthael) ???
(Against Medivh) "You cannot protect them all.."
(Against Mephisto) ???
(Against Muradin) "You could have stopped him from grabbing it.."
(Against Murky) "Everyone hates you.."
(Against Nova) "You don't need them.. Kill them all."
(Against Ragnaros) "It isn't too soon.. Crush them all.."
(Against Raynor) "Does she truly love you?"
(Against Rexxar) "Even the beasts will betray you.."
(Against Samuro) "You hide behind false images, and yet you pledge yourself to honor.."
(Against Sgt. Hammer) "Destroy everything.. And save yourself.."
(Against Stitches) "No one wants to play with you.."
(Against Sylvanas) "You are becoming just like him.."
(Against Tassadar) "You will fail them all.."
(Against The Butcher) "Their meat is fresh.. But your allies' meat is fresher.."
(Against The Lost Vikings) "You are outdated.. Useless."
(Against The Nephalem) "They always return.. Your efforts are wasted.."
(Against Thrall) "The 'True Horde' was your fault.."
(Against Tracer) "You can never help everyone.."
(Against Tychus) "How can you trust them.. When even he would shoot you for her?"
(Against Tyrael) "Have you judged your so-called allies?"
(Against Tyrande) "Kill them all.. Just like the Wardens.."
(Against Uther) "The light will abandon you.. Just like you abandoned him."
(Against Varian) "Your sacrifice.. Will mean nothing.
(Against Whitemane) "A Dreadlord hides among you.. Cleanse them all..."
(Against (Diablo) Witch Doctors) "Your spirits abandon you."
(Against (Diablo) Wizards) "They hold you back.. Abandon them.."
(Against Xul) "Only in death can you trust your so-called allies.."
(Against Yrel) "You are not worthy of that mark..."
(Against Zagara) "You should have betrayed her.."
(Against Zarya) ???
(Against Zeratul) "Trying to save them.. Is pointless.."
(Against Zul'jin) "Your allies want your arm and eye.. Claim vengeance from them."
(Generic VS Good Guy) "You are not their hero.. You are their puppet.
(Generic VS Good Guy) "The world doesn't want to be saved.. It wants to eat you alive."
(Generic VS Bad Guy) "Your allies think you are weak. Show them the truth."
(Generic VS Bad Guy) "Make them suffer.. As you have suffered.."
[Non-Ability Quotes]
Kill Quotes
"Your fate is sealed!"
(Killing a King) "Your reign has ended, as all do."
(Mega Kill) Maniacal Laughter

Primary Abilities

[Q] - Summon Tentacle
Active; I've seen enough hen-- It's what you're all thinking.
Summon a tentacle at target location you have vision of, which will attack nearby enemies for 80 damage with an attack speed of 1.3 and an attack range of 3.5. Tentacles have 450 Health. Yogg-Saron's allies are not provided vision by the Tentacles.

Duration - Until killed.
Charges - 2.
Charge Cooldown - 8 seconds. Charges may recharge simultaneously, and their cooldowns are tracked separately.

(Icon by PrinceYaser on HiveWorkshop.)
[W] - Apathetic Weight
Active; ok
Weigh the metaphorical weight of the world on target enemy hero's shoulders, applying a 5% attack and movement slow that increases to 40% over 4 seconds, then remains for 1 second.

Madness Generated - 5, plus 15 over the 5 second duration.
Cooldown - 10 seconds.
[E] - Laughing Skulls
Active; Maniacal Laughter
Summon a Laughing Skull at the target location, not requiring vision. It deals 50 damage per second to nearby enemies, halved against enemies that are not facing it. The Skull lasts for 6 seconds.

Radius - 4.0.
Madness Generated - 4 per second, halved on enemies facing away from it.
Cooldown - 12 seconds.
[1] - Whisper
Active; Just listen to that little voice in your head... It'll go great..
Begin whispering to target enemy hero, generating madness every second while they remain in your allied vision(vision granted by 20 Madness does not count).

Madness Generated - 6 per second.
Cooldown - 10 seconds, starting after the ability ends.

Secondary Abilities

[4] - [2] - Abandonment
Active; Unfortunate Feelings
Target enemy hero quickly loses all allied vision at a rate of ~33% per second for 3 seconds, and remain with no allied vision for an additional 2 seconds. Enemies under Abandonment gain 5 Madness whenever they are hit with an ability from outside their vision range(what they can see of allied vision range counts as well), with a 0.5 second internal cooldown.

Cooldown - 30 seconds.
[16] - [3] - What is Real?
Passive; Neat.
Yogg-Saron may view all of his Madness Illusions, with a small icon over them to display which hero they display for.

Active; Suddenly, Bruisers
Yogg-Saron causes target Madness Illusion to truly form, with 50% of the health and damage that it would have if it was the actual thing.

Cooldown - 40 seconds.
[20] - [4] - Induce Madness
Active; You get 100 Madness! You get 100 Madness! You all get 100 Madness!
After a 1 second channel, Yogg-Saron gives all enemy heroes 40 Madness instantly.

Cooldown - 30 seconds.
[20] - [4] - Mind-Bender
Active; Go Mosh Pit your team, E.T.C.
Target enemy hero's movement and casting commands invert for 2 seconds, then revert to normal for 2 seconds, then invert for 2 seconds.

Cooldown - 60 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

[R] - The God of Death
After a 1.5 second channel, Yogg-Saron erupts from target point on the battlefield, becoming Invulnerable(if he isn't already). Enemies that face Yogg-Saron while he is there gain 10 Madness every second. While Yogg-Saron is in The God of Death, he may still cast his basic abilities. The God of Death last for 5 seconds.

Cooldown - 80 seconds.

Cast Quotes
"Cower before my true form!"
[R] - Madness Consumes
Active; How to even a teamfight 101
After a 1 second channel, Yogg-Saron places an enemy hero in Stasis. They gain control of their hero in a small arena, where they face against an illusion of a random allied hero that only has 25% of the health and damage of said ally. After 8 seconds, or when they kill the illusion, the enemy is returned to the battlefield. The illusion cannot deal fatal damage, but can reduce the enemy to 1 health.

Reactivate [R] to take control of the illusory hero, or to let go of control of it if you are currently controlling it.

Cooldown - 100 seconds.

Cast Quotes
"Eternal suffering awaits!"


Level 1|Tier 1
Broken Thoughts - Early Madness Tier effects trigger more often.
The 40, 60, and 80 Madness Tier effects trigger twice as often.

Maddening Whispers - Whisper's cooldown is reduced if it advances Madness.
Whisper's cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds if it causes the enemy hero to enter the next stage of Madness.

Unyielding Tentacles - Tentacles gain armor.
Yogg-Saron's Tentacles gain 25 armor.

Level 4|Tier 2
Tentacle Swarm - Summon Tentacles has more charges, lower cooldown.
Summon Tentacles gains an additional charge. Additionally, the charge cooldown is reduced to 7 seconds.

Mood Killer - Apathy lasts longer.
Apathetic Weight now ramps up over 6 seconds, and lasts 2 seconds after finishing its ramping. Slow Maximum and Madness Generated are unchanged.

Never-Ending Laughter - Laughing Skulls last longer.
The duration of Laughing Skulls are reset to max whenever an enemy within their range enters the next stage of Madness.

Abandonment - Active: Remove an enemy heroes' allied vision.
See 'Abandonment' under Secondary Abilities above.

Level 7|Tier 3
Crusher Tentacles - Tentacles now reduce the damage of nearby enemies.
Yogg-Saron's Tentacles now reduce the damage of nearby enemies by 10%, which does not stack with multiple tentacles.

Constrictor Tentacles - Tentacles now grab nearby enemies, rooting them.
Yogg-Saron's Tentacles now root a target within range 3, prioritizing heroes, that lasts until the tentacle or the target is slain. While grabbed, enemies are dragged towards the tentacle at a rate of 0.5 units a second. This effect has a 3 second cooldown if the target is slain, and cannot be used within 1 second of the Tentacle spawning.

Corrupter Tentacles - Tentacles now deal additional damage over time, are now ranged.
Yogg-Saron's Tentacles now have an attack range of 6.5, and their damage now applies an infinitely stacking DoT of 40 damage over 3 seconds.

Level 10|Tier 4
The God of Death - Rise from the battleground at target location, inflicting immense madness on all enemies nearby.
See 'The God of Death' under Heroic Abilities above.

Consuming Madness - Trap an enemy hero in an illusory duel with their ally.
See 'Consuming Madness' under Heroic Abilities above.

Level 13|Tier 5
They Just Keep Coming! - Tentacle attacks reduce the cooldown of Summon Tentacle.
Tentacle attacks reduce all active Summon Tentacle charge cooldowns by 0.25 seconds.

Reluctance to Fight - Apathy reduces enemy damage.
Apathetic Weight reduces its target's damage by 4%, stacking up to 20% over the build-up, while on them.

Contagious Laughter - Laughing Skulls inflict more madness.
Laughing Skulls now cause enemy heroes with at least 60 Madness to emit the same Madness inducing aura to nearby allies while within the Skull's range.

Level 16|Tier 6
Turn Them On Themselves - Enemies under full Madness prolong the effect when harming allies.
Whenever an enemy at 100 Madness deals damage to an allied hero, the duration of the 100 Madness tier is increased by 0.5 seconds.

Never Ending Madness - Madness now resets to a higher level.
After the effects of 100 Madness expire, an enemy heroes' Madness now instead resets to 20.

The Faceless - Corrupt allied Mage Minions.
Every allied Mage minion spawned after Yogg takes this talent is replaced with a Faceless Corrupter, which drop Corrupted Globes instead of normal Regeneration Globes, and have 50% increased damage. Corrupted Globes cause enemy heroes that pick them up to gain 20 Madness over 10 seconds, and allied heroes that pick them up to inflict 2 Madness for every 50 damage they deal to enemies for 10 seconds. Secondary targets to the globe gain 25% of the effects.

What is Real? - Active: Turn a Madness illusion real.
See 'What is Real?' under Secondary Abilities above.

Level 20|Tier 7
Lunatic Gaze - The God of Death lasts longer, applies passively.
The God of Death lasts an additional 5 seconds. In addition, half of its Madness generation applies passively while you are the Core.

Malady of the Mind - Consuming Madness causes madness, reduces cooldown.
For every second an enemy hero spends in Consuming Madness, they gain 5 Madness and reduce Consuming Madness' cooldown by 5 seconds.

Induce Madness - Active: Instantly generate madness in all enemy heroes.
See 'Induce Madness' under Secondary Abilities above.

Mind-Bender - Active: Invert an enemies' movement and attack commands.
See 'Mind-Bender' under Secondary Abilities above.



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Da Huuuuuudge (2) | April 23, 2019 9:46am
Kel'thuzad: "You have made yourself... a slave."
Kerrigan: "You were always a monster."
Maiev: "They know where he hides... they lie to you."
Maltheal: "Even death may die."
Mephisto: "You drove her away... and sealed your fate."
Yogg'Saron: "You... are not but a broken toy..."
Zarya: "Your home will burn..."
Romass | February 16, 2017 6:16am
The best concept I've seen ever. Would you mind if I post it on HotS subreddit? Or you alredy did?
Who_You_Expect (2) | February 16, 2017 11:30am
Thank you for the praise. (^_^)

Go ahead and put it on the HotS Subreddit. Would be nice in case some of them don't browse this site/the Heroes forums. Thank you for the offer, as well.
Romass | March 3, 2017 9:37am
Thanks, sorry for the delay, I'm gonna post it right now. I would love this champ to get into the game. Blizz should hire you
rgg138 (1) | January 12, 2017 4:46pm
The problem with Heroes that take place of Core is that sometimes you cant do nothing with the Heroe. You put too much long CD skills. He would be perfect if the player is able to control the tentacle or reduce some cd's.
And I have a suggestion: Z: Increase the target ally movement speed by x%.
Who_You_Expect (2) | January 12, 2017 5:10pm
For the first part; Yes, there's bound to be times where you can't do anything, but I think this fits, in a strange way, but not character-wise.
It fits because it requires the player to be careful with their abilities, using them at the right times, while maintaining a watchful eye on the battlefield almost like Abathur.
Though, some reduction on CDs isn't the worst idea, as they are perhaps a bit too long, though at most a few seconds off of each.
As for the [Z] suggestion; Eh, perhaps. Something about it just doesn't feel.. Appropriate for an Old God. Thank you, however, for the feedback. Always appreciated.
Seleckt (1) | December 8, 2016 12:10am
I fell in love with the concept at the trait.

However, I feel the 100 madness is a let down. They obviously will know who their allies are and will not attack them for those 5 seconds. Perhaps tie it into his ultimates? An 8 second disable for Madness Consumes is insanely powerful even without the damage. It brings a hero out of the fight for 8 entire seconds. Maybe make it so they MUST have 100 insanity?
Who_You_Expect (2) | December 8, 2016 7:51am
There are a few reasons the 100 madness effect is still very powerful. For example; A healer is locked from healing for 5 seconds. AoE Burst Mages like Kael & Jaina can now hit their allies for five seconds(Living Bomb can now spread to Kael'Thas' allies. Think about that for a bit.). Skillshot heavy champions are forced to the front of their team in order to actually do something. You're basically forcing a single person into a terrible situation for 5 seconds.

As for Madness Consumes, I believe the effect is.. Mostly fine. You're already a hero much like Abathur; Generally focused on split-pushing. You don't have as much power in Team Fights. 100 Madness is the main impact in a team fight Yogg-Saron can have, besides using an Ultimate. One of which can block an escape route or drive the entire enemy team insane, while the other can lock a member out of the fight for up to 8 seconds, possibly less depending on the target. I will agree that, perhaps some tuning needs to be done, but I'd say the concept as a whole stands well enough.
Leidiriv (14) | August 16, 2016 7:28pm
Easily one of my favorite concepts. I love the different references you've added via the madness quotes, love the mechanics, and I personally love the hero itself. Core heroes are some of my favorite concepts to read, and yours is the best there is for that.
Who_You_Expect (2) | August 16, 2016 8:55pm
Aha, why thank you. (^_^)

He's definitely one of my favorite that I've made, and I'm definitely glad to hear that so many people like it too. Was fun to think of all the old references.
hawkray (22) | August 13, 2016 8:28pm
The madness is just gloriously evil. Love it!
Lemme make a build... hm... I would just focus on completely effing up an enemy so they go crazy during the match.
???, Abandonment, Constrictor Tentacles, Never-Ending Madness, What's Real and What's Not (love this one a lot), Induce Madness.

I am very pleased by the trait especially. It's just crazy and would be a nightmare to play against, which is awesome. I would tweak the layout, but the concept itself is golden. Grab a cookie (.:)
Who_You_Expect (2) | August 13, 2016 11:00pm
The fabled 'Tilt' Build, eh? Enough madness to make the enemy's decisions poorer and poorer, I like it.

The trait is by far my favorite part, especially some of the quotes. I've made so many references here, and it's great. But, what about the layout do you think I should change?
Crs Grim (33) | August 10, 2016 5:31am
I appreciate the amount of detail that was put into this hero concept. I look forward to seeing more of your stuff.
VikingEagle | August 9, 2016 6:45pm
Hmm, bit to complex to be realistic, but still impressive, probably the best Yogg concept I've seen here.

I think it would be great if he had a talent or even a baseline ability that made an enemy lose all sight of their allies, fitting with the whole "Your friends will abandon you" thing.

As a bit of help to fill in the blanks for the Whispers:
Li Li: "Your adventures lead only to your doom."
Rexxar: "Even the beasts deceive you."
The Butcher: "Their meat is fresh, but your allies' is fresher."
Any Good Guy 1: "You are not their hero, you are their puppet."
Any Good Guy 2: "The world doesn't want to be saved, it want's to eat you alive."
Any Bad Guy 1: "Your allies think you are weak, show them the truth."
Any Bad Guy 2: "Make them suffer, as you have suffered."
Who_You_Expect (2) | August 12, 2016 3:21pm
It was meant to be complex. Perhaps a bit too complex for most players, but there are some who could take it far.

I definitely think I'll add that talent, as well as those extra whisper quotes, though, so thank you kindly for your suggestions. (^_^)
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