Health: 1500 (+4% per level) Health Regen: 3.00 (+4% per level) Mana: 500 (+15 per level) Mana Regen: 3.00 (+0.98 per level) Attack Speed: 1.00 Damage: 75 (+4% per level)
Combat Trait
(D) Lucid Dreaming
Activate to switch your basic abilities between Dream state and Nightmare state. Nightmare abilities deal damage, but Dream abilities inflict Crowd Control effects. Cooldowns do not reset when switching states.
Cooldown: Instant
Primary Abilities
(Q) Banish
Teleport an enemy Hero away from yourself in a straight line. Dream: The enemy Hero is Invincible, but cannot attack, use abilities or pick up items for 2 seconds. Nightmare: The enemy Hero takes 215 (+4% per level) damage and explodes after 1 second, dealing 50% splash damage.
Mana: 50 Cooldown: 8 seconds
(W) Emerald Mist
Summon a cloud of emerald mist on a location (Chromie Dragon's Breath initial radius.) that expands to twice its radius over a period of 5 seconds, then disappears. Dream: Enemies and structures in the area are Blinded. Nightmare: Enemies in the initial area take 150 (+4% per level) damage per second. This damage decreases by 10% each second.
Mana: 65 Cooldown: 12 seconds
(E) Dream Gate
Open a destructible portal to the Emerald Dream on a location. Enemies are affected in a wide, shallow cone in front of the gate. Lasts for 10 seconds or until destroyed. Dream: After a 1 second delay, enemy Heroes become Silenced while in the affected area. Nightmare: Enemies entering the area take 80 (+4% per level) damage and take 200 (+4% per level) damage upon leaving the area.
Mana: 30 Cooldown: 20 seconds
Heroic Abilities
(R1) Awakened
Channel to Charm an enemy Hero. The Hero walks towards you at 60% speed for 6 seconds. They take 25 (+4% per level) damage per second, slowly increasing as they get closer, up to 200% additional damage per second. Outside damage to the target cancels your channeling.
Mana: 90 Cooldown: 80 seconds
(R2) Aspect of Dreams
Transform into a dragon. While in this form you are Unstoppable, but your movement and attack speeds are reduced by 25%. Your basic attacks put enemies to sleep for 1 second. Any damage to the enemies will cancel this effect. Dragon form lasts for 16 seconds.
Mana: 100 Cooldown: 90 seconds
Special Mount
(Z) Hover
Summon your dragon wings (obscured by dream mist) and fly low to the ground.
Level 1 Etherealize:Basic Attacks against Structures destroy 1 ammo and cause the next shot to miss. Blanketing Mist: Emerald Mist's maximum radius is increased by 20%, but it takes 1 additional second to expand. Dense Mist: Increase Emerald Mist's initial radius by 20%. Takes 1 less second to expand to maximum. Open the Door: Increase the width of Dream Gate's area of effect by 10%
Level 4 Dual Gateway: Dream Gate now affects areas on opposing sides of it's location. Remote Banish: Doubles the distance the target Hero is teleported Proximity Banish: Halves the distance the target Hero is teleported.
Level 7 Swift Mist:Emerald Mist expands at twice its normal rate. Refreshing Mist: Reduce Emerald Mist's cooldown by 0.75 seconds for every enemy initially hit. Unending Nightmare: If Banish kills the target enemy Hero, it's cooldown is instantly refreshed. Waking Dream:
I think normally I would have done Ysera as a support, but A:My Alexstrasza concept is also a support and I wanted to diversify a bit, and B: I've seen someone else make a good Ysera support concept recently so I wanted to try and do something different.
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However I have little doubts if it would work in game well.