when used on an ally, zenyatta will apply a harmony orb healing them for the duration it is applied. when used on an enemy, this ability applies a discord orb to them, reducing their armour. only one of
EACH orb may be present at once, and any previous orbs will be removed when a new one is activated.
discord orb is removed when a hero has been out of sight for too long, and will also reveal their position for that short duration.
havent decided if harmony should have a max range or line of sight, i think line of sight would be cooler but could lead to some annoying plays with zenyatta being able to heal allies from complete safety. i also wanted to barrel these into the same ability so that zenyatta could have another ability slot opened up to make him more engaging than a healer that gives you and orb and then just spams q
-with no real hp, he cannot be healed from any source isn't it?
How does damages scaled on hp works on him? No effect?
if you mean damage that works on a % of hp i guess i haven't thought of that too well yet, last rites would be broken here if he just had 0%so i imagine it would effect his shield