Zerg Larva by Vynadrian

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Zerg Larva

By: Vynadrian
Last Updated: Mar 18, 2016
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Zerg Larva

The Ultimate Evolution

Combat Trait

The Zerg larva has a second Talent Tree, granting it access to Evolutions at levels 1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18 and 20. To Gain Biomass you simply collect it from killing Minions, Captured Mercenaries and Bosses and Enemy Heroes. You gain Biomass from proximity, meaning, if you are close enough to collect XP you will gain Biomass.

Your level 1 Evolution costs no Biomass and does not raise the Cap, however the next Evolution costs 50 and raises by 15 each Biomass Level (i.e. levels 1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18 and 20). Upon Death, all Biomass collected towards your next level will be lost but now your Current Biomass Level.

Primary Abilities

Metabolic Boost [Active]
The Evolution will increase Movement and Attack Speed by 50% for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.

This Ability is retained after Evolving.

Secondary Abilities

Leap [Active]
The Zerg Evolution will Leap to a targeted Enemy Hero dealing 66 (+4%/level) Damage and causing all of the Evolution's Basic Attacks within 3 seconds to deal 100% increased Damage.

This Ability will be Lost upon Evolving.
Corpser Venom [Passive]
Basic Attacks deal 20 (+5/level) damage over 3 seconds. If an enemy dies while under the Effect they will spawn 2 Roachlings.

Roachling Statistics
Health: 40 (+4%/level)
Damage: 18 (4%/level)

This Ability will be Lost upon Evolving
Impale [Active]
The Evolution will launch a large Projectile dealing 102 (3%/level) and 46 (+3%/level) over 3 seconds and slows the target by 60% decaying over 3 seconds.
Charges: 3.
Recharge: 5 seconds.

This Ability will be Lost upon Evolving.
Vicious Glaives [Active]
The Evolution launches 3 Glaives in a cone dealing 45 (+4%/level) Damage to primary target's and bouncing up to 2 additional targets dealing 50% damage.
Charges: 2.
Reacharge: 8 seconds.

This Ability will be Lost upon Evolving.

Heroic Abilities

Ultimate Evolution: Ultralisk
The Evolution goes into Stasis for 2 seconds, evolving into an Ultralisk the size of Stitches, increasing it's Healthpool by 1,350 (+5%/level), Basic Attacks deal 40% increased Damage and Cleave for 100% of that Damage.  Ultimate Evolution: Ultralisk may be reactivated to Stampede in a direction dealing 150 (+5%/level) damage to all enemies hit and stunning them for 0.50 seconds. The Ultralisk also takes 50% less Damage from Non-Heroic Targets and lasts for 16 seconds or until killed.
Cooldown: 80 seconds.
Ultimate Evolution: Nydus Worm
The Evolution will instantly Burrow and reemerge after 1 second as a Nydus Work stunning Enemies by 0.75 seconds, knocking them back and dealing 286 (+5%/level) damage and diving again at a targeted location dealing 420 (+4%/level) damage and stunning enemies for 0.50 seconds. The Evolution has 4 seconds to use the Dive Ability and if they do not use it the Nydus worm will Burrow at its current location dealing no Damage or Stun and after a 1.5 second delay the Evolution will reemerge in its last Zerg Strain.
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Ultimate Evolution: Torrasque
Permanently remain in the Ultralisk Evolution and grants a 75% reduction in the duration of disabling effects. You can now Burrow as Ultralisk.
Ultimate Evolution: The Devourer
Ultimate Evolution: Nydus Worm's Cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds and if a Hero is standing within a small radius in the center of the Dive they will be placed into a stasis for 1.5 seconds before reemerging alongside the Evolution at the cast point.

Special Mount

After a 1 second Delay the Zerg Larva will Burrow itself beneath the surface becoming unable to be targeted and Invulnerable until resurfacing.
Cooldown: 16 seconds.

Evolution Tier 1: Level 1

1. Zergling: The Zergling has 20% increased Movement Speed and gains the Ability Metabolic Boost. The Movement Speed Bonus is lost upon Evolving.

Evolution Tier 2: Level 4

1. Raptor Strain: The Zerglling gains a Short Range Charge on Basic Attacks and the Leap Ability. Both of these effects are lost upon Evolving.

2. Roach: The Roaches Basic Attacks are Ranged and are usable while Burrowed. Both of these effects are lost upon Evolving.

Evolution Tier 3: Level 7

1. Corpser Strain: The Roach gains the Corpser Venom Ability. This Ability will be Lost upon Evolving.

2. Hydralisk: Basic Attack Range is increased by 30%. This Ability will be Lost upon Evolving.

Evolution Tier 4: Level 10

1. Impaler Strain: Gain the Impale Ability. You will retain this Ability upon Evolving.

2. Mutalisk: Basic Attacks are Ranged, Strike up to 3 Targets and you may flow over Obstacles.

Evolution Tier 5: Level 13

1. Broodlord: Gain the Viscous Glaive Ability and increase Basic Attack Speed by 15%. You will retain this Ability upon Evolving.


Evolution Tier 6: Level 16



Evolution Tier 7: Level 20



Talent Tier 1: Level 1

1. Hunter's Instinct [Passive]: For every 3 enemy Minion kills near your Hero, gain 1 Basic Attack Damage. Hero Takedowns count as 3 Minion kills.





Talent Tier 2: Level 4

1. Muscular Augments [Passive]: Every 3rd Basic Attack deals 75% increased Damage.

2. Adaptive Plating [Passive]: Basic Attacks apply a Shield equal to 25% of the Damage Dealt and last for 6 seconds.

3. Pneumatized Carapace [Passive]: Basic Attacks against the Evolution are also dealt to the Attacker.



Talent Tier 3: Level 7

1. Tissue Assimilation [Passive]: Using a Basic Ability grants Resistance, reducing all damage taken by 50% for 1 second.


3. Rapid Regeneration [Z]: While Burrowed, the Evolution regenerates 1.5% of Max Health every second.



Talent Tier 4: Level 10

1. Ultimate Evolution: Ultralisk: The Evolution goes into Stasis for 2 seconds, evolving into an Ultralisk the size of Stitches, increasing it's Healthpool by 1,350 (+5%/level), Basic Attacks deal 40% increased Damage and Cleave for 100% of that Damage.

Talent Tier 5: Level 13

1. Tectonic Muscles [Z]: Burrow is now Instant.

2. Tunneling Claws [Z]: The Evolution will now move at 50% of normal movement speed while Burrowed.

3. Ancillary Carapace [Passive]: The Duration of Disabling effects is reduced by 50% against you. Does not Stack with Ultralisk.

4. Adrenal Glands [Z]: Movement Speed is increased by 20% for 6 seconds after leaving Burrow.


Talent Tier 6: Level 16

1. Swarmling: Upon Death you spawn 6 Zerglings.





Talent Tier 7: Level 20

1. Ultimate Evolution: Torrasque: Permanently remain in the Ultralisk Evolution and grants a 75% reduction in the duration of disabling effects. You can now Burrow as Ultralisk.

2. Ultimate Evolution: The Devourer: Ultimate Evolution: Nydus Worm's Cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds and if a Hero is standing within a small radius in the center of the Dive they will be placed into a stasis for 1.5 seconds before reemerging alongside the Evolution at the cast point.




Unassigned Talents

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