I play on a 28" UHD monitor, the ingame cursor is so small, I lose my cursor multiple times in a team fight because there's so much happening. Blizzard should consider pointer options ingame, for size or even maybe different types.
Yes! It's been a problem since technical alpha. I'm pretty sure the cursor used to be purple and it was practically invisible. The only thing I've found that helps keep an eye on its position is to keep it ahead of my hero all the time.
It gets lost in team fights and especially when there's lots of aoe, but there isn't much else I've found that works.
If your losing sight of your cursor during a team fight that just means you're tunnel visioning. And not fully paying attention during the fight on what your position is, what your mouse position is to be able to move your character to sidestep hostile abilities, or dish out your own. And lastly if its truly because of the resolution that just might be making your cursor smaller in general and that being the case then try a smaller resolution, rather then using native so the game becomes lager, as so the cursor.
If its not the reso, then its just tunnel vision and you just have to focus. I play range/melee assassins and Warriors the most. And each of those roles and usually constantly orb walking, sidestepping abilities, and generally need to know your position in the fight at all time while keeping a eye on your mouse since that determines where your abilities land/go and your movement.
Try playing bot games and make a little personal goal to try and keep a eye out for your mouse. If it happens that your losing in only teamfights, then what I said about tunneling is probably right. If it's not that and your losing it just generally moving across the map all the time and just doing basic things, then it might be your screen reso is making the game to "fine" and need to lower the reso to have the game slightly more in focus so the cursor becomes larger.
^ This is a link to a game where you can practice using an invisible cursor, it should warm you up nicely before you start playing. Apart from just letting you practice using an invisible cursor it also allows you to get the "feel" for your mouse sensitivity.
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