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HotSCheatSheets reference for builds

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Quote | PM | +Rep by diginc » September 4, 2015 10:12am | Report
Hi, I made https://github.com/diginc/HotSBuildCheatSheets/wiki, a list of all the builds HOTS logs has in a quick & easy to use format. These are not curated builds like here on HeroesFire, but just purely stats based off of replay uploads on HOTSlogs (from whom I got permission to grab data).

Its mainly a tool for beginners (like me) who are worried they're picking trash builds, just want to pick talents quickly in the middle of a game, not think too much or have to go read an entire guide when switching heroes. Hopefully you find it useful or can share it with others who might.

I added links from the short hand builds to HeroesFire talent calculator pages (pre-filled with that build) and feel like it really helps explore the cheat sheet's builds and learn the talents & characters better. Its also a lot harder to lose your place, if you're referencing it on a 2nd monitor, or accidentally look at the wrong build; though sometimes I like to look through the similar alternative talent choices on my cheat sheets for a quick mid-game comparison.

Feedback & suggestions are always welcome, here or on Github. Big thanks to HOTSLogs and HeroesFire for being awesome resources!

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