So I'm on Heroesfire every day. I'm reading guides, looking at new ones, and polishing my own.
Lately I've noticed an incredible amount of "guides" that consists of 1 or 2 builds, with one single line like "this is just a build" / "hai gais wat is up tudai ill show u best bild for merky" / "pick this, then this, everything else sucks" or the classic " "
Yeah, last one there, that's literally empty. No text whatsoever. GREAT GUIDE GUY!
What I'm trying to say is, there's soooooo many effortless ****py useless dumb witted stupid "guides" out there.
It's really annoying when you spend 4-5 hrs making a guide, and then some guy comes in with a guide like this: "OK BUBBLE 2 WIN GAID HERE. Use telents abuvv to wiin. oke like and subscribb BRAUFIST"
After that he calls his mom and dad, makes them upvote the **** out his guide, then he calls his friends from kindergarten, make them upvote it and BAAAMM, you have a purple line. That makes the guide just a tad little bit more tempting to click, resulting in tons of views, which again results in credit for work that a skunk could've done better.
I love heroesfire, and I still use it all the time. I just wanna know if you guys are looking into this as an issue, or if it totally abides the holy law of guide posting.
Writing guides is difficult and time consuming. Most people prefer sharing their favourite build and maybe providing a few tips and tricks.
Since our guide creator can be used by anyone, people create all kinds of different builds and guides and their length and quality can vary. It's up to the players to find their preferred builds and experiment.
I've noticed you're talking about vote manipulation, which is against the rules and which for we always take measures. If you notice any suspicious guide, you can let me know and I'll check. :)
HeroesFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite HotS hero’s build and strategy.
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