Below we've highlighted some chapters of ThatGuyThatDoneThat's guide that has been recently updated for the latest patch. Make sure to check it out for yourself so that you don't miss out on any useful information on how to properly play Medivh!
Pros & Cons
ThatGuyThatDoneThat's guide begins with a section dedicated to the pros and cons of Medivh. Here we can learn that Medivh is great at dueling and scouting, but he's difficult to play and his team must play around him to unleash his full potential.
Talent Breakdown
Ah talents, they're what allows a hero to adapt to a variety of situations in order to perform optimally. This can get a little complex but have no fear, ThatGuyThatDoneThat's got you covered with a special section dedicated to talents and builds.
Ability Breakdown
The guide also has a special section dedicated to abilities. Here you can find brief explanations about each ability and in which situations they are best. It's always good to know your hero's ability theory!
Make sure to check for yourself ThatGuyThatDoneThat's guide for Medivh, The Last Guardian. Tell us about matches while following his guide lines and make sure to let them know what you think about their guide!
I actually find Medhiv to have a good clear rate as opposed to what others say. But I guess its subpar when you compare him to other heroes.
The name is Latso and I have been playing a multitude of competitive pc games online for many years. The moment I heard about hots, it would become a match made in heaven and playing it would become my top priority. Since, I have been playing the game for quite a while now and have a lot of experience under my belt I took it upon myself to create hero concepts for the community.
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