Below we've showcased some chapters from Santy's guide that has been recently updated for the latest patch. Make sure to check it out for yourself to not miss on any useful information on how to properly play Artanis!
Santy's guide begins with an introductory section where we can find a brief description about Artanis and his strengths. Based on Santy's information, we can find out that Artanis is extremely flexible in his combat style and can become almost immortal in the front lines if played correctly.
Play Style
The guide also has a special section dedicated to play style. Here you can find in-depth explanations about two different play styles for Artanis. The first play style explained is "in your face aggressive style", as the name suggest, it's an aggressive play style that you usually want to follow when your team is built around hard engaging or when you expect the battles to be durable. The alternative is "Playmaker CC style", a play style that is more defensive and best used when the enemy team tries to engage you in battle.
When To Pick Artanis?
The right pick at the right time can win you the game! In this section we can find out that it's best to pick Artanis against mobile heroes, heroes that deal a lot of damage by auto attacks and also against heroes with low mobility.
We hope you've enjoyed this wonderful guide for Artanis, the Hierarch of the Daelaam. Let us know what you think and tell us about your experience following Santy's guidelines!
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