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Guide of the Week: Haidoken's Tyrande

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 14, 2017 11:59am | Report

Hey everyone! This week our featured guide is Haidoken's "Haidoken's Tyrande" for Tyrande, the High Priestess of Elune.

Below we've highlighted some chapters from Haidoken's guide, make sure to check it out for yourself so that you don't miss out on any useful information on how to properly play Tyrande!

Talent Build - Owl Damage

Haidoken kicks off the guide with three different builds that you can pick from based on your play style preference and also on the hero match-ups. The build found below is one of those three, it's called "Owl Damage" and it mostly focuses on the damage dealt by Sentinel while also bringing utility to the team by providing extra vision.

Tips & Tricks

Moving on, after you went through all the talent builds, you can find a special section dedicated to the tips and tricks of Tyrande. These creative tips are useful to remember for when you play Tyrande, as we see below, positioning is key and Tyrande's abilities enable her to be a great hero to combo with other heroes.

Cooperative Tips

To sum it up, the guide has an extra section that that emphasizes how important cooperation and communication is. For example, as Haidoken says below, Hunter's mark has great killing potential but only when used in combination with the proper team, a team that of course, is willing to play together.

Make sure to check for yourself Haidoken's guide for Tyrande, the High Priestess of Elune. Tell us about matches while following his guidelines and make sure to let the author know what you think about his guide!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Yigma » February 16, 2017 11:51am | Report
Very good guide, definitely worth a look!

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