Heroes of the Storm Forums

Guide of the Week: OCM's Genji

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 20, 2017 12:03pm | Report

Hey everyone! This week our featured guide is DefinitelyNotOCM's "OCM's Genji" for Genji, the Cybernetic Ninja.

Below we've highlighted some chapters of DefinitelyNotOCM's guide which has recently been update for the latest patch. Make sure to check it out for yourself so that you don't miss out on any useful information on how to properly play Genji!


DefinitelyNotOCM's guide begins with an introductory section where we can find information about the guide's author and also about Genji. Here we find out that OCM is a very experienced Heroes of the Storm player, being a master of Assassin heroes and "flex" play style.

Build: Weab Blade

Moving on, let's discuss about the first build provided by DefinitelyNotOCM. "The Weab Blade" build is the most used build by the professional players, because it revolves around Genji's strengths. However, even though this is the strongest build for him, it is also the most difficult to perform.

Build: Anime

If a build wasn't enough for you, OCM's got you covered with an alternative build that you can follow, the "Anime" build, which he likes to describe as "the nuttiest, inhumane ninja combo we've ever seen". This build focuses on Genji's outplay potential while returning the opponents damage before using Genji's combo to seal the deal.

Make sure to check for yourself DefinitelyNotOCM's guide for Genji, the Cybernetic Ninja, to not miss any new build. Tell us about matches while following his guide lines and make sure to tell him what you think about his guide!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by AIM7Sparrow » June 20, 2017 4:41pm | Report
Can you stop featuring so many OCM guides as guides of the week? He actually consistently puts up barely tested and straight-up bad builds. His intro in every single one of his guides mentions "Rank 1" from 5 seasons ago because he has never managed to break diamond since. He makes up for it by posting deceivingly "well thought-out" explanations and multiple "builds" but really these just both translate into a lot of neatly constructed filler paragraphs of little substance and just randomly swapping out talents for no reason at all other than to be able to label it a different build.

His guides are legitimately an insult to those of us who actually dedicate many hours of our play-time into mastering those champs we call our mains.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 26, 2017 1:12pm | Report
Hey AIM7Sparrow!

Thank you for sharing your concern, we always try to feature quality guides that have been recently published or updated for the latest patch so our members can notice and benefit from reading them. I'm sorry if you personally don't like or support his guides, however they do receive a lot of views and positive votes meaning the players enjoy the content and find it useful.

We always encourage people to craft guides, having multiple great options to pick a guide of the week from is always good. Also, you can always tell the author your own opinion or provide feedback in order for him to improve his work. Don't forget that you can also craft your own guides to show us how it's done, we would be happy to see more competition between guide authors! :)

If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know!

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