This week's balance patch is pretty straight forward with a buff to everyone's favorite Two Headed Ogre and the most lovable probe this side of the Nexus. To learn more check out the official release below.
We’re happy with the performance of Arthas, particularly as a capable solo-warrior that brings something unique to the team with Frozen Tempest. We’ve added a lot of power to this ability, so we’re reducing his Physical Armor from 15 down to 10 to better enable enemy heroes to get more value by poking him down. We’re also reducing the Root duration of Remorseless Winter to be more in line with similar effects.
- Physical Armor decreased from 15 to 10
Remorseless Winter
- Duration changed from 1.75 seconds to 1.25 seconds
We have been actively reading the feedback for our friendly Ogre and cross-referencing it with our internal statistics. We are seeing great talent diversity and are happy with the new design, but feel that we can inject a bit more power into the duo. Today’s changes are focused on increasing Cho’s self-sustain and injecting a bit more damage into both ogres.
- Basic Attack damage increased from 125.4 to 135.85
- Damage changed from 104 (+4%) to 182 (+4%)
Consuming Blaze(W)
- Healing amount increased from 30 to 40
- Basic Attack reapplication on Heroes now extends to all targets currently affected by Consuming Blaze
Fuel for the Flame
- Minion quest reward increased from .2 to .3% amount healed
- Hero quest reward increased from 2 to 3% amount healed
Runed Gauntlet
- Cooldown changed from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds
- Damage changed from 131.25 (+5%) to 141.75 (+5%)
Keep Moving!
- Increased Movement Speed duration increase from .5 to 1 second
Double Back
- Damage changed from 100 to 200%
Psychotic Break
- Now allows the use of Gall’s Heroic Abilities.
All shall suffer.
- Basic Attack damage increased from 143.52 to 156
Skeletal Swing(Q)
- Damage changed from 120.64 (+4%) to 130 (+4%)
Renewed Swing
- Bonus swing damage increased from 50 to 80%
These tuning changes were made to add a greater variety of viable Talent builds. Overall each of these Talents weren’t performing to Murloc-Standard-Efficiency (MSE), so they’ve been buffed up to regulations.
Egg Hunt(Talent)
- Cooldown decreased from 6 to 3 seconds
Fish Eye
- Vision Bonus changed from 200 to 300%
- Damage changed from 35 to 50%
Slippery When Wet
- Movement Speed bonus increased from 40 to 50%
- Now also reduces the cooldown of Safety Bubble by 2 seconds
Fish Tank
- Duration changed from 2 seconds to 3 seconds
Wrath of Cod
- Damage changed from 10 to 15
We’re making several small tweaks to Probius across the board, largely to make him a little more powerful and, more importantly, more engaging to play. Many of his abilities have had small tweaks to them to make them more usable, and we’re buffing the damage and duration of his Photon Cannons to make them more threatening.
Null Gate(R)
- Cooldown decreased from 40 to 30 seconds
- Range increased by 12%
Worker Rush(Mount)
- Cooldown decreased from 40 to 30 seconds
- Now automatically activates when Probius is in the Hall of Storms
Warp In Pylon(Combat Trait)
- Cooldown decreased from 14 to 12 seconds
Warp Rift(W)
- Slow Amount changed from 20 to 25
- Range increased by 15%
Photon Cannon(E)
- Damage changed from 98.8 (+4%) to 109.2 (+4%)
- Duration changed from 11 seconds to 13 seconds
Turbo Charged
- Cooldown reduction changed from 20 to 10
Aggressive Matrix
- Damage changed from 20 to 25%
Shield Battery
- Shield changed from 31.2 (+4%) to 27.04 (+4%)
- Shield changed from 124.8 (+4%) to 108.16 (+4%)
Quantum Entanglement
- Duration changed from 3.5 seconds to 3 seconds
- Duration changed from 3 seconds to 5 seconds
- Basic Attack damage decreased from 187.2 to 177.84
Sulfuras Smash(R)
- Cooldown increased from 60 to 80 seconds
Empower Sulfuras(Q)
- Damage changed from 209.04 (+4%) to 198.64 (+4%)
Resilient Flame
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 15 seconds
- Armor bonus decreased from 50 to 40
The duration on Plasma Shield has always matched the Cooldown, but we are ready to try separating them. Enemy teams will now have a small window of time to deal meaningful damage between Shield applications (unless Tassadar fully unlocks Khaydarin Resonance). Since he is currently over-performing we are also looking to bring down the damage of Archon slightly.
- Damage changed from 182 (+4%) to 172.64 (+4%)
- Splash Damage changed from 91 (+4%) to 86.32 (+4%)
Plasma Shield
- Shield changed from 8 to 5 seconds
- Life leech changed from 20 to 30%
- Damage threshold decreased from 40 to 35% maximum Health
We think pushing the cooldown of Charge after taking Warbringer from 6 to 4 will push it further into the hyper-mobile style of gameplay that we want. We removed the additional slow since it didn’t add much to actual gameplay (most people didn’t move when they were slowed). Now Warbringer Varians will be zipping around the battlefield applying slows at a high frequency. By increasing Varian’s base Health but lowering Taunt’s Health bonus, Twin Blades and Colossus Smash will have about 8% more Health through the game, while Taunt will only have a little more Health before 10.
- Health increased from 2214.5 to 2391.66
- Health Regeneration increased from 4.614812 to 4.98108
- Max Health bonus changed from 40 to 30%
- No longer increases the slow amount of Charge
- Cooldown reduction increased from 6 to 8 seconds
- Damage changed from 5 to 4% of a Hero’s maximum Health
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