Hey everyone, we've teamed up with EPIC Games for a giveaway. What are we handing out? Paragon Access Codes! The game's currently in closed beta but if you win one of the access codes it'll unlock for you. Just head on over to the contest page, and simply enter your email for a chance to win.
What is Paragon? Haven't heard about Paragon yet? It's an over the shoulder MOBA made on the Unreal 4 Engine. Not only is it gorgeous, but I've played it a bit myself and it's quite fun!
UPDATE: Week 1 winners will be contacted soon, so be sure to check your emails!
UPDATE 2: Week 2 winners will be contacted soon, so be sure to check your emails!
UPDATE 3: Emails for Week 3 winners have been sent out, so be sure to check your emails!
Update: Week 1 of this contest has ended and we'll be contacting the winners via email soon. Week 2 has now begun, so be sure to re-enter for another chance to win! :)
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