Hello all! It's my pleasure to introduce the awesome MOBAFire Network team members who will be helping out around HeroesFire starting today. I'm shifting to a more "behind the scenes" role, managing our network's Twitter and Facebook pages - so that I can share all of your awesome guides and concepts with our fans let them see that we’re here to help! Please welcome...
PsiGuard is a prolific guide author and long-time administrator on MOBAFire, and he is looking forward to helping new guide authors share their expertise with the HeroesFire community! He'll also be keeping our forums (and site) free of any naughty spam bots and jerks!
Wayne3100 is our data guru and will be taking care of updating our site, including the talent calculator and WikiBase, with the latest Hero additions, patch changes, and more!
Hades4u loves all of our communities and is looking forward to getting to know the HeroesFire crowd with fun contests and events to further engage our community!
We're happy to have PsiGuard, Wayne3100, and Hades4u on board! I know they are going to do awesome work and, with our powers combined, we’ll make HeroesFire even better than it already is!
I'll still be around HeroesFire making sure it's 100% awesome, and you can always feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Hi guys! tell me, please, how can I become a new admin? What should I do?
Thanks for reply!
Admins on the MOBAFire network are paid positions. Job postings will be listed here if we have any openings in the future. Currently we don't have any open positions, but if we post one in the future, feel free to apply!
HeroesFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite HotS hero’s build and strategy.
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<Community Manager>
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Posts: 332
Awards Showcase
<Community Manager>
Notable (14)
Posts: 518
Posts: 3
Awards Showcase
Posts: 6