My battletag is Kojay#1294, and as the title says I'm looking for a competitive team who plan to go pro. I am a 3200+ Assassin/Support player with experience in both roles at a competitive level. I played for team Nexus&Chill until our recent disband due to time commitments from other members, but we participated in ESL/Qualifiers/HeroesHype/ChairLeague regularly. I live on EST and have a very open schedule for the next 6 months (Only 12 credit hours at uni), so time shouldn't be a concern!
List of heroes I play for each role are as follows:
Li Ming, Greymane, Jaina, KT, Raynor, Thrall, Valla, Falstad, Zeratul, and working on Lunara.
All of them.
Add me in game or respond here if you're interested :) Thanks!
Hey Kojay my name Mrgrim#1372 I'm very competitive in nature, I don't have much support heroes only malf lili and tyrande, I would like to get kharazim but I have quite a bit of assassins I need to get thrsll and liming and I also have diablo etc and johanna, sonya and some others, also anub, I want to play team league competitively.
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