Heroes of the Storm Forums

Come join teamspeak and lets play.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by MasterShake » August 19, 2015 11:12am | Report
Hello everyone! Our TeamSpeak 3 Server for HoTS has grown quite popular so I'd like to spread the word as much as possible!
- Ran on private protected servers, it has 99.83% up-time, 200 slots and is Guest friendly.
- The server is hosted for all games but, hots is currently the main focused game you are more then welcome to play anygame while using the teamspeak.
- It's located in Dallas, USA.

When you join you can:
- Create your own channel for you and/or your friends by Right Clicking a Channel and clicking Create Channel.
- Channels created are only Temporary and will be automatically deleted once all Users leave the Channel. You have the option to Password-Protect your temp channel.

If you'd like a permanent private channel for a Team (or group of friends) please head over to: ****inglag.com/contact and ask to if you can be promoted to VIP

TeamSpeak Address: ts3.****inglag.com

Server Statistics: http://www.tsviewer.com/index.php?page=ts_viewer&ID=1067709

Our Website: http://****inglag.com

Thanks everyone! Hope it can be of some use to some! ^-^

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