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Competitive player LF friends and/or team for Hero League (US)

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Tarasov » June 16, 2015 10:10am | Report
BT: Tarasov#1550
Playtime: Varies but mostly 7-9pm cst, approx 20 hours a week
Skill metric: Currently 3k mmr and HL rank 4 at exact time of posting
Role: Tank / Assassin

That was the TLDR version to save people time, below will be a bit less concise and focused

My perspective on this game is that I love playing it, am very addicted (and have been since march '15), and I suspect that the core issue is that my personality falls somewhere in between hardcore competitive but not quite Esports MLG.

I'd like to find some people to group with on a regular basis for the purpose of toprank Hero League play. However, I am somewhat skeptical that I have the ambition/time/aptitude to be on a tournament pro level. So ideally I'm looking at being a sub or scrim guy for more devoted legit players or even just in a less organized sense having some other friends who want to get on a voice chat and run some 2-3 man HL queue action.

I don't currently have a preferred role so much as I have specific chars that I enjoy and have a high winrate% with: Illidan, Anub, Valla, Jaina, Sylv, BW. Consider myself an above average shotcaller in the sense of understanding what is the best theoretical play at any given time but kind of ambivalent about a leadership role.

When **** goes bad in-game I don't rage, I'm more of the inward directed blame type anyway when it comes to expressing frustration and criticism. Chill on voip and like to ********, crack jokes, get my drink on occasionally.

Think thats about it, please feel free to msg / friend me if any of that sounds good to you.

Posts: 1

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