Heroes of the Storm Forums

[EU] Competative player LF team!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by ReMickz » October 22, 2015 4:19am | Report
Hello everyone!

Played HoTS for almost a year now and I think it's time to take it more serious, so looking for a serious team. I play for about 3-5 hours per day. Sometimes more. I have around 3.3 k MMR atm according to hotslogs. Playing mostly assasins and specialists. Can play pretty much every role though. Some of my mains are: Jaina, Valla and Sonya. Know pretty much every hero and how to play with/against them. Seems interesting? Just add me in-game and I can tell me more about myself or if you want me to tryout for your team. Looking forward to hear from YOU!


Posts: 7
Quote | PM | +Rep by ReMickz » October 22, 2015 11:56pm | Report

Posts: 7
Quote | PM | +Rep by ReMickz » October 26, 2015 12:36am | Report

Posts: 7
Quote | PM | +Rep by ReMickz » October 27, 2015 5:56am | Report

Posts: 7

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