Heroes of the Storm Forums

[EU] LF competitive team, 3k MMR

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Ruskibrother » March 20, 2016 4:49pm | Report
Hi guys,

LF a decent, preferably established, team for Team League & ESL.

About me:
Am a calm, serious dedicated player, able to work around most schedules.
I play almost every day, in the afternoon/evening.
Am 25, russian by birth, live in Europe (Germany atm).
LF consistent and dedicated team.
Criticism is not only welcome but encouraged.
I play all roles, most heores, can flex or take on another role.

Team requirements:
Competitive Team, participating regularly in tournaments.
Decent leader, shotcaller & organisation.
A solid, regular schedule (the more the better).
A calm and friendly, but serious environment.

Drop me a message here on in game and we can exchange skype/TS for a chat.


Posts: 11
Quote | PM | +Rep by Ruskibrother » March 24, 2016 3:49am | Report

Posts: 11

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