Playing MOBAs alone is truly a dubious pleasure,and although Heroes of the Storm is the first game of this genre I actually liked,playing it solo is not an option,so I am looking for people to play with,for fun,and maybe competitively in the future.
I do know the theory behind the game and MOBAs in general well enough(my brother is VERY enthusiastic semi-pro Dota player since 2006,so...yeah,learned all of it,even though I am not a fan of Dota...).My practical experience is quite modest,but if I had to rate my skill at the game,I'd say it would be at least average.Unfortunately,that's not enough in a game where you can't and aren't supposed to win on your own...
My preferred heroes are:Valla, Muradin, Nova and Raynor.I also pick Tyrande as semi-support,usually building her around Hunter's Mark.
The rest-Illidan, Furion, ETC Lili and Gazlowe I either don't like or don't know well enough yet.
I do have a mic,but being a non-native english speaker (I am ukrainian) without much practice I am not fluent at speaking,but can understand it well enough(I do watch movies in english without any problems,for example).Being able to practice my spelling is another reason why I'd like to play with people for whom english is their first language.That being said,I usually don't talk much.I also won't be raging and quiting the game for whatever reason.
I usually play either in the morning(+2 GMT) or around midnight.
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