Heroes of the Storm Forums

Looking for semi-serious group for quick matches and then team league

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Quote | PM | +Rep by schoeney » June 23, 2015 5:21pm | Report
Just another person tired of crippling randies...

Me and my brother play a lot and are lvls 31 and 40 right now

Hit me up or post if interested.


Posts: 4
Quote | PM | +Rep by schoeney » June 23, 2015 7:44pm | Report
found some good peeps. and a few bads. could use more so 5 are always on.

Posts: 4
Quote | PM | +Rep by LevasK » June 24, 2015 11:10am | Report
If you need to add extra information to your original post, simply use the "Edit" button, which is located in the bottom left corner of your posts, instead of double posting.

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