Heroes of the Storm Forums

Looking for team members! [UK]

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Meggie » December 24, 2015 7:22am | Report
We are currently looking for players.
Players of any roles and ranks, to play team league with me and 2 other close friends, mainly to play team league but also quick matches to train our team work. Preferred UK players. We have played since Beta/Alpha so very experienced.

Just comment your BattleTag!

Hope to see you in the nexus soon.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by AxelJInx » December 27, 2015 5:55am | Report
Jinx#2100 , main range assassin, can go supp or spec if needed, but would rather not. Not ******ed, pretty experienced, positively gave up hope in HL, rank 10 TL.

Posts: 11
Quote | PM | +Rep by Worlieee » January 1, 2016 7:07am | Report

Currently mainly play QM and hero league with randoms - the latter is driving me mad.. so i'm seeking a coordinated and friendly team to try and get as higher rank as possible.

I'm an ex end game wow raider so me committing time to training and playing isn't an issue :-)

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by sic2669 » January 2, 2016 10:53am | Report
Hey guys,

I'm ex DOTA/LoL/HoN/Dota2 player.
Pref Assasin/Specialist/Tank.
I suck at playing a Support.

Just holla @ sic2669 and we'll talk :-).

Looking forward to it

Posts: 1

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