Heroes of the Storm Forums

NA | Calif | Looking for Team for TL

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Quote | PM | +Rep by krussell » December 2, 2015 4:47pm | Report
Was rank 1 in Hero League and have been getting paired with players who have no idea what they are doing...

Looking for a team so I can move into TL instead.

-Can play any role and almost any Hero well (minus Vikings and Abathur, of which I suck at).
-West coast (PST)
-Own all Heroes
-Have Ventrilo server I rent (also can use Skype if needed)
KRUSSELL#1649 on Bnet

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by Bloodbrain » December 4, 2015 3:31pm | Report
Hey my team is recruiting, we play every night and have 4-5 players online looking for HL. Were a new team so were not ranked in HL yet but we play well together. Ill add you bloodbrain#1353 if you want to see how it goes.

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