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[NA] Forming team for high level HL play

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Quote | PM | +Rep by droptopus » April 16, 2016 1:36pm | Report
We are currently holding auditions for a team of 5 to ascend the Team League rankings and perform at the highest level of play. Looking to play frequently on a daily or bi-daily basis as entire team, with the expectation that all 5 team members will be present at scheduled times unless mentioned otherwise.


ability to demonstrate deep understanding of game and mechanical skill on many/all heroes.

voice communication, and willingness to communicate in a forward, productive manner.

the mentality of improving the team, as well as the ability not to take criticism or intense behavior personally

a willingness to listen and generally work as a unit regardless of personal interpretation of a situation

Things that do not matter to us:

age, gender, nationality, religious/political affiliation

ranked or unranked MMR (we believe that as a team game, any mmr influenced by solo play is an exceedingly poor representation of player skill, and as such will be ignored. You will be judged based on your observed performance and competency)

unshakably positive attitude. This is often times requested and we do not feel that it is a rational or reasonable requirement. If your attitude is seen to have an excessively negative effect on success despite receptive attitudes of teammates, it will be factored into competency.

Available times to play:


We are a team that is capable of playing a handful of matches on a daily or bi-daily basis, with flexible schedules so far. We will work to find a reasonable schedule for everyone, but the expected playtime will be weeknights, after work into the late evening, EST. Afternoons are not yet off limits but we expect this to be difficult for some and so it is not likely.
Please message me on reddit if you're interested and we'll move forward with the audition process. We are taking our time to find the right composition of people for success, so don't expect process completion to happen overnight. Thanks, and I hope to play with you in the near future!

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by Icylight » April 17, 2016 1:25pm | Report
I was starting to look for a competitive team for Heroes of the Storm and I was wondering what you were looking for.

Battletag: Icylight#1577
Age: 26
Region: NA

I have been a major competitor in eSports since the release of Counter-Strike as a mod for Half-Life. I won my first tournament when I was 13 or 14 in CS, and have since moved on to other genres at a high level. I have never been interested in finding an actual competing team until recently. I have always taken the solo queue route. Here are a few games I played throughout my gaming career and my achievements:

1. Counter-Strike local tournament competitor.
2. Warcraft 3 - Top 10 Solo player. Also one of the top Random Team players in the world with a 99% win ratio with hundreds of games played.
3. CS:GO - Global Elite
4. League of Legends - Diamond 1
5. Super Smash Bros. - Top 3 in my state, ~top 70 NA.
6. Heroes of the Storm - Rank 1 with 3.1k~ MMR (Still climbing consistently).
7. World of Warcraft - One of the top 5 rated arena warlocks in the world when I played.
8. Overwatch - Consistently queued with and against some of the top Team Fortress 2 pros and Overwatch players during the Overwatch Beta.

As far as Heroes of the Storm goes, I can be considered a Flex player. I only need a handful of games to play any hero at a high level. I tend to prefer assassins, supports or specialists more than warrior, but I am able to play quite a handful of the cast.

I am an excellent communicator and understand the concepts of talent diversity, securing objectives and having a strong intuition for engaging and disengaging in team play.

I am looking for a NA team that I can have fun with while playing at a top level. I understand synergy builds over time, but I am exceptionally quick at adapting to my partner's play styles. I am looking for a team that has the same adaptability and open-mindedness that I have.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and hopefully I am the kind of player you are looking to build a team with!

Chris -- "Icylight"
Icylight#1577, USEast / NA

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by Zitchy14 » April 17, 2016 6:03pm | Report
Just hit rank 1 in Heroes of the Storm so I'm also looking for a Hero League team. My battle tag is SY14#1921. I can fill in just about any role but I prefer supporting.

Posts: 1

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