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NA GM Assassin player LFT

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Quote | PM | +Rep by DreamMaker32 » July 11, 2017 2:54pm | Report
I've been playing Hots on and off since it launched and last year decided to see how high I could climb. I was able to reach GM #50 this season in Team League and have the urge to do more. I'm hoping to find a team that competes in online tournaments or something more.

Battlenet : DreamMaker32#1703

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by Naracta » July 12, 2017 9:07pm | Report
Hello, I would be interested in joining you in said team. Unfortunately, I'm currently placed in silver 2 and I've been stuck this way for the past 2 years. And believe me, I've been playing for 2 years straight and I play on a regular basis. I just feel like I should reach out and find a team to learn from, gain more experience from, and most importantly, have a team to interact and work this. As of now, I play this game as if it's my career and I too believe it would be nice to compete in tournaments.

If you're at all interested in working anything out at all, my battle.net id is Naracta#1527 and my usual server for HoTS is N. America. Thank you and I hope to interact with you in the future

P.S. Like most people, and sadly, I'm gonna be those people, I feel like I'm stuck in silver/gold league because I just feel like I get paired up with people who aren't as passionate as the game as I am so I believe I'm quite experienced, true, I do believe I can improve, I just want you to understand that I am not just a "scrub"

Posts: 1

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