Hello. I'm looking to get a few members together to become competitive. It's been my dream to become a pro gamer for some time and I believe HoTS is my chance. Road to Blizzcon is not on the list of determined tournaments to win as it is too late, but am definitely willing to try the August Tourney if a team can be assembled and practice enough. I'm in need of all roles but healer and need 3 members. I am able to play any role, so I'll fill what is not found. Skype, Comms, or Curse is required. My name in all 3 is Dragamas, and b.net tag is Dragamas#1313. Feel free to add me on any of them to speak about a position. This is my dream and I am highly determined to make this a reality, which means starting small. Min player lvl required is 28, as you need to be close to making it to be in HL, with a owning of 8 heroes. Ability to communicate and listen is a must. MMR is not a requirement as it is a flawed system that bases on what kind of team your on, and anyone can learn to get better. Determination is key. Availability must be Monday-Thursday Nights.
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