Thanks for stopping by and reading this thread. My name is Trees, my friend is Mello - we both are Master ranked (4,000+ point) in TL and climbing the ever so brutal HL high diamond to master rank. We have 3,000+ games each, and very diverse hero pools.
Currently we find ourselves healing and tanking/melee as most people don't wanna do the dirty work. We can play assassins extremely well where needed too.
We are looking for players and teammates with similar high ranks and skill sets, diverse hero pools and the ability to take criticism and also teach others. We wanna grow ourselves, and want players open to the same with positive attitudes that don't flame people off of a few losses.
Losing games is inevitable, but if you can learn something from it and learn more the next game thats a plus for us. We have a great understanding of the game, we draft well and have in game sense and shotcalling experience.
Please hit us up if you sound interested in playing and have similar goals.
Feel free to hotslogs us if you have questions about our claims and hero pools.
North America
PST Time Zone (Western US)
Preferred Role:
1. Assassin
2. Tank/Bruiser
Looking for a team to join, or players to join up with. Master ranked HL/TL.
Wanting to compete in Open Division tournament!!
Hello. I am extremely interested in you guys. I run an esports organization and I am looking to recruit a team in HoTS. I would be delighted if you all would be interested in chatting to learn more about myself and my organization. I can be reached by email or by social media. Look forward to chatting with you all.
HeroesFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite HotS hero’s build and strategy.
North America
PST Time Zone (Western US)
Preferred Role:
1. Assassin
2. Tank/Bruiser
Looking for a team to join, or players to join up with. Master ranked HL/TL.
Wanting to compete in Open Division tournament!!
Posts: 4
Posts: 7