Heroes of the Storm Forums

NA - New TL Team Start Up "Hood Cousins"

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Quote | PM | +Rep by TheStink » February 12, 2016 9:56pm | Report
Currently have 4 players, looking for a few more. NA, EST time.

Super pro MMR and rank is not necessarily an asset. ~1000 games played would be ideal. Willingness to work as a team is worth more to us than any goofy numbers. Have comms available. We use ventrilo.

Semi-casual, flexible people. We have a competitive attitude while we play. Determined to win.
We don't have all the time in the world anymore, but want to have people available to play TL.

We have more fun than we should, and always try to make our vent an entertaining place to play.

Roles filled:
Main tank

Roles needed:
More Flex (OffTank, Secondary Support, etc.)

Contact TheStink#1328 or Gigglepants#1505

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Posts: 2
Quote | PM | +Rep by TheStink » February 27, 2016 3:18pm | Report
Just gonna bump this quick.

We've picked up some players but not many seem to be available frequently enough.

Anyone interested feel free to add the battle tags in the above post.

Notable (1)
Posts: 2
Quote | PM | +Rep by negrochilon » March 7, 2016 7:57am | Report
#ElDiablo 1809

I have not played over 1000 games on HOTS but I do have experience in other MOBAS that reach to 2000 matches. I understand the game pretty well to play with a team for a chance to get to blizzcon this year.

I am Central time so I can get some practice hours with you. :)

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