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[NA] Sturmgrenadier gaming community recruiting!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by drquantum » February 20, 2016 3:58pm | Report
Sturmgrenadier (SG) is an active gaming community comprised of adult gamers focused on team oriented game play. We have members from all over the world, with most hailing from North America. We take pride in providing experienced leadership along with highly organized and competitive game play! Also offering casual play for all of our games as well. SG has an extensive gaming history and formed as a gaming community over 15 years ago.

We host tournaments and events throughout the year. Inviting new and veteran players of the game to participate and possibly win money! Right now SG has one ranked team for HoTs and we are wanting to set up more teams soon.

The future is bright for SG as we are not only preparing for new games, we are actively supporting development of games through Kickstarter and other funding sites! We welcome new and old gamers alike to join our community. If you're a mature gamer and like teamwork, then SG may well be the right online gaming community for you!

Go ahead to sghq.org and check out our website. If you are interested in hearing more and want an interview. Please click the "join us-apply today". When you apply make sure to select Battle Arena as your portal!

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