Heroes of the Storm Forums

New Heroes players looking for people to play!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by pally » November 14, 2015 6:58pm | Report
Hi, Me and my wife are looking for players to group up with, have a good time, learn how to play better, and eventually start to play hero league games. Bnet is pally#1990.

Posts: 2
Quote | PM | +Rep by Phixaen » November 19, 2015 8:28pm | Report
Hiya! I've got a duo in heroes atm as well, we started hero league recently and would like to do more if we find more to play with! Sent you a request - Phixaen#1319 :)

Posts: 5
Quote | PM | +Rep by chadwickmrr » November 23, 2015 11:06pm | Report
add me. Im experienced but I don't get to play a lot. im looking for casual people to play with. Chadwick#1705

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by TGJonsie92 » November 24, 2015 3:49am | Report
Hey I am in a community where we have a few squads up and running, if you are still interested then add my battle tag TGJonsie92#2780

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