Heroes of the Storm Forums

New Team

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Quote | PM | +Rep by JDeep011 » November 8, 2015 11:04am | Report
Trying to start a team. I've been wanting to do this for many years now since every game I ever play I usually get stuck trying to wade thru the chin high sea of n00bness just to find one decent person to play with. So here it is. No team name yet. For now its just for HoTs. Anyone over the age of 16 is welcome. I am looking for decent players. I'm not some ranked 1-20 player right now so I'm not expecting those kind of people to just flock to me. I'm just looking to have a fun time and not beat my head against the wall with random pub match making. Maybe something more serious in the future if the team/teams are good enough. Schedule is very loose right now. 2-3 nights a week after 9pm. 2-3 games those nights. 2-3 weekends a month depending on the dedication of the team and how things work for peoples personal lives. I'm on most nights so if you are on I will more than happy to practice or just pick up some fun stupid qm of hl. Some bio of myself. I've been playing video games on pc since quake 1. Would go into the list of what I've played but its long. Feel free to email me or hit me up on HoTs. [email protected] JDeep011#1596 or hit me up on here.

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