Heroes of the Storm Forums

Searching for a Team League player

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Pietro » October 4, 2016 8:51am | Report
We are a team of 4 players (3 french 1 hungarian), we are just missing one last team mate to complete our team.
We play during the week in the evening and are all pretty new to team league (rank 1 silver in the last season). We have a nice team spirit and want to find a commited Tank player to join our group.

Requirements :

-Being able to speak english
-Using "Curse" as voice chat app
-Being mostly a tank player
-Having played at least 700 - 1000 games (we don't want pro's but fairly decent players that want to improve as a team like us)

Add me guys if you are interested ;)


Cheers !

Posts: 3

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