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Team looking for dps for competitive play and tourneys

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Shieldz » June 19, 2015 7:36pm | Report
Abstract gaming is looking to recruit one or two more dps for competitions. We are all Diamond league players and some of us have experience in tournaments already. We already have the tank, support and one flex role filled, so really we are only looking for flex and/or dps. Please be at least a Diamond league player and rank 1. We play almost ever day and are very serious about going professional.
Thillery#1584 is my battle tag. please also fill out the bottom. 3k mmr atleast
Battlenet id-
Time available-
Hotslog link-
best heroes-
any past experience-

Posts: 8
Quote | PM | +Rep by Shieldz » June 19, 2015 11:01pm | Report
Only looking for one

Posts: 8
Quote | PM | +Rep by SyvJobe » June 20, 2015 1:56pm | Report
Battlenet id - Syv#1839
Time available - always
Mainly warriors, then assasins, sometimes specialists, and never supports really.
Heroes I myself usually do farely well with - E.T.C. , Anub'arak, Valla, Kael'thas, and zagara.
Played a bit of Smite, been playing heroes everyday now since I've gotten into Closed beta and been loving it ever since. I can say I think I've gotten much much better since then.
I'm not 3k mmr, but I do adabt/learn quickly, and have some common sense.

Posts: 3
Quote | PM | +Rep by Shieldz » June 20, 2015 1:58pm | Report
Your hero league mmr is too low, i appreciate the application though.

Posts: 8
Quote | PM | +Rep by Ellatar » June 20, 2015 3:08pm | Report
Battlenet id- Ellatar#1490
Time available- almost every day - I have 4 months holiday right now so yeah, im free
Hotslog link- https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=3319516
Role- DPS/Tank
best heroes- Illidan, E.T.C, Zeratul, Valla
any past experience- I have big knowledge about MOBAs - I played LoL for 5 years (highest rank Diamond 1) but haven't been in a serious team yet.

Posts: 19
Quote | PM | +Rep by Shieldz » June 20, 2015 4:56pm | Report
We are a NA team, and from your hots log i believe you play on the EU servers.

Posts: 8
Quote | PM | +Rep by rashk » June 24, 2015 1:51pm | Report
Battlenet id- Rain#2904
Time available- 3-4 times a week from 18:00 GMT during the week and almost any time during weekend
Hotslog link- https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=309560
Role- dps/flex
best heroes- Valla, Sylvanas, Illidan, Tyrael, Brightwing, Anub, Rehgar, Zeratul, Kael, Jaina
any past experience- WoW 2.6k mmr playing MOBA since Dota mod on WC3

Posts: 7
Quote | PM | +Rep by Prince » June 24, 2015 5:36pm | Report
Any time available
Best hero in role:I can play any champ good but jannia and sup champs
Played in LOL for a short time and been playing HOTS almost every day.
I am a dedicated play looking to join a team and in doing so have fun and learn from other players, I can hold my own weight and dont have to be baby sitted.

Posts: 9
Quote | PM | +Rep by Prince » June 24, 2015 5:36pm | Report

Posts: 9
Quote | PM | +Rep by Alexd00d » June 24, 2015 10:08pm | Report
Battlenet id- Alexd00d #1967
Time available- Mon-Fri 6pm until 1-2 am. Weekends all day lol.
Hotslog link- https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=717019
Role- Support/Assassin
best heroes- Illidan, Jaina, Kael, Kerrigan, Rehgar, Thrall.
any past experience- LoL, Heroes of Newerth.

Posts: 9

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