Heroes of the Storm Forums

Turkish Speaking Team LF Potential Members

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Nighthavk » January 5, 2015 9:18am | Report
Greetings. We're a few turkish players looking to expand into a serious competitive team for tournament play with backgrounds in various different MOBAs, MMOs and CCGs. Currently, we're looking for potential players of all roles who urge to be serious but can't find the opportunity.

You'll be expected to have a basic grasp of all heroes and talents and be aware of key mechanics. Inexperience with the game or the genre is less of an issue (the game isn't even out yet) but a willingness to try hard and put serious effort into the game is appreciated above all.

If you're interested, you can post here or send me an e-mail at kedi98 AR gmail DOT com with the following info:

Bnet Tag/Real Name:
Age: (We need to know if you're underage and if it'll be a problem for you)
Account level:
Top five heroes (or more) you play: (briefly explain why you play what heroes you play)
Past gaming experiences: (Anything from DOTA to Backgammon - tell us if you played any competitive game before)
Availability: (Days/Times)
Skype name/TeamSpeak:
Additional info: (Anything else you feel is relevant)

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by BloodEagle » January 11, 2015 11:15am | Report
Bnet Tag/Real Name: BloodEagle#2197 / Bahadır
Age: 24
Account level: 40
Top five heroes (or more) you play:
1) Tychus - damage output 'unun çok iyi olması ayrıca Abathur ile double odin seçeneği
2) Uther - healer olması yanı sıra basic ve heroic stunları ve Tier2 - Cleanse talenti
3) Sonya - Trait 'den gelen moving speedi ile kolayca combatlara girmesi ve çıkması, basic skill stun ı ve heroic "Leap" seçeneği
4) Falstad - mobility ve quick damage burst. Özellikle Dragon Shire haritasında "fly" ile çok etkili olabilmesi
5) Stitches - hook+gorge ve mid&late game 'de "Slam" skiline eklediÄŸim mini stun ve slowlar ile enemy team i meÅŸgul edebilmem.

Bunlar haricinde diger heroları da oynayabilirim, specialist hero yazmadım ama favorim "Nazeebo" hali hazırda 15 adet herom var, yakın zamanda brightwing ve nazeebo 'yu da edinmeyi planlıyorum.

Past gaming experiences:
Dota2 'de competitive olmamakla beraber uzun süre oynamışlığım var. Closed Betadan beri Hearthstone oynuyorum ama Hots Alpha invite gelince bıraktım. WoW Dreanor serverinde oynuyordum, aynı şekilde hots alpha invite gelince bıraktım; Patch 5.3 ve 5.4 zamanında semi-hardcore raider 'dım.

Availability: Her gün müsaitim saat olarak öğleden sonraları daha da müsait olurum.
Skype name/TeamSpeak: Skype ID: zippobenzini
Skype harici TS3, ventrillo, mumble, raidcall, dolby axon kullanabilirim.

Additional info: Antalyalıyım, üniversite dolayısıyla İzmir'de oturuyorum. Şuan da yarıyıl tatilindeyim, 2. dönemde sadece 2 adet dersim olacak dolayısıyla bolca vaktim var.

Posts: 1

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