We're both decently fresh level 40 in HOTS, but with years of experience with various other Moba games.
The murkey/split guy was placed high gold in league with a winrate of 76% and has been playing dota/league/strife and other mobas for the past few years ( Low team Experience )
Me, I've placed dia in season 3/4/5 In league of Legends with a winrate up to 86.4% - played in various tournaments, and played in multiple high-end teams in league of legends.
I excell at assasins/carry kinda heroes, Valla/Zerathul being my mains.
My friend has been doing alot of Murkey and would like to keep doing that, but if needed he can play healing supports & more.
We're both looking for a team either individually or together, You can reach me on my battletag:Thecondrius#2923
Or skype:Niclaswow
Not gonna go much more in-depth here, i would love to over a chat on skype,battletag etc to make it more personal:)
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