Heroes of the Storm Forums

[US] [OCE] New player LFG

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Quote | PM | +Rep by rayder13 » March 19, 2015 9:03pm | Report
Hey guys. New to HotS and MOBA's in general really. Looking for a group to run with instead of pugs. Currently lvl 8 after less than 24hrs but I feel running with a premade group is better for experience as pugs tend to lack communication unless theyre raging at someone. Would like to step into competitive runs after I get the hang of things better as well.

Have a bunch of heroes yet to try but have raynor and nazeebo at lvl 5 already and really enjoying playing nazeebo.

If you feel like teaming up and don't mind that I'm not the pro that every pug assumes they are add my btag rayder#1534

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