Hey there everyone. Was just wondering what you all thought of this guide for this map. I have a YouTube channel where I make videos. This is the script for that video.
A link to the video is at the bottom of the guide if you're interested.
You can turn in tokens as soon as the game starts. You get tokens from killing spiders which replace ranged minions. The first turn in requires 50 tokens and each turn in afterwards is increased by five. (55, 60, 65 etc.)
When the games starts, have 1 person in the top lane, 1 person in the bot lane and 3 in the mid lane. The reason for this is because the map is very small, and having 3 people mid allows you to respond to situations in other lanes very quickly, it gives the most potential for roaming to other lanes, and having strong mid lane control allows you to turn in tokens with less risk as well as prevent the enemy team from turning in their tokens.
Tanky and mobile champions should take the tokens if it all possible because they are harder to kill meaning having more webweavers more quickly.
Turn in tokens early and often. Turning in 10 tokens 3 times is the same as turning in 30 tokens one time but with a lot less risk of dying and losing them.
When the enemy team spawns the Webweavers, group with your team to defend against their push. As long as you avoid the waves the Webweavers make, they will do no damage to you, so feel free to attack enemy heroes as opposed to the Webweavers. After you stop their push in the lane the enemy is pushing, split up to kill the other two Webweavers.
When your team spawns Webweavers, group with your team and push one lane. If none of the enemy team goes to defend the other two Webweavers, they will quickly snowball the lane with minions. If any of the enemy members go to defend against the lanes your team is not pushing, you will have a numbers advantage in the lane that your team is pushing.
As soon as you turn in the required number of tokens, all of the merc camps despawn unless you’ve already started attacking them. Keep that in mind if you decide to do the boss.
Spawn the webweavers, and use their pushing and splitpushing pressure to destroy forts and end the game.
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