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Devil's Daily Ranked Stream (Diamond+)

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Quote | PM | +Rep by DevilsDomain » October 4, 2017 3:09pm | Report
Hey everyone! I run by the name Devil and have one hell of a burning love for competitive gaming! I played Heroes in beta and a little bit after the official release, managing to hit rank 2 before the system overhaul was brought out. After missing 2 official seasons due to time restraints and focus on other games, I'm excited to be back and ready to start-a-new! I figured since I've now got some extra time on my hands, why not throw my time put in onto the live feed, aiming to meet new friends and find savage individuals that'll laugh harder at my fails than I already do! This stream's goals are to just offer a level-headed relaxed place for new and veteran to chill in, learn with, and laugh together alike. Also using this stream as a vod archive to review at times for improvements sake, trying to get myself in the groove of announcing what and why I'm doing something to help with future team comms if I decide to join one. Think this post is getting a little too long for its own good now, hope to see you around though! :)

Stream Link: https://www.twitch.tv/devilstwitch

Posts: 1

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