Hello all, I wanted to share some tips based on my experience playing HotS since early alpha.
1. Don't die Dying gives the enemy team experience and makes you inactive on the map for the duration of your death timer. Winning a HotS game involves being active on the map, i.e. soaking exp, doing a mercenary camp, or killing an enemy hero.
2. Stay positive Negative attitudes are a distraction from winning the game whether it be yours or your teammate's attitude. In my opinion, its best to focus on what you can control and avoid chat. Also, if I find myself getting negative. I will take a break and adjust my frame of mind
3. Avoid lose more plays Lose more plays are plays made when you are already losing that cause you to lose more. An example would be engaging in a teamfight against all five of the enemy team when one of your teammates is dead (4v5). In that situation, it is generally better to avoid the enemy team and find something else to do on the map.
Click here for my video which provides a more in depth look at each tip.
Additional Tips
4. Stick with your team Generally throughout mid/late game, it will be better to stick with your team. Even if you don’t completely agree with the call, fighting the enemy team 5v5 is much easier than 4v5. Pushing lanes and doing mercenaries are still important, but try to stay in the vicinity of your team.
5. Use your time efficiently Each map every player will be given the same amount of time to perform actions on the map. If a game lasts 20 minutes, each player has exactly 20 minutes to soak lanes, kill enemy heroes, and do objectives. Generally, winning a Heroes of the Storm games means that your team used their time more efficiently than the enemy team.
6. Improve your posture and comfort This tip can be applied to any game. In my opinion, sitting comfortably in your chair with correct posture will increase your overall gameplay. I have been a gamer since I was young, and I can confidently say that my skill level increased when I corrected my posture and made myself more comfortable sitting at the computer.
About Me: I have been playing HotS since early alpha and am currently in the top 100 for ranked MMR on HotSLogs. I was Rank 1 prior to the reset.
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