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Zero to Hero.... Stream Project NEEDS you!!!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Vibeee » January 1, 2017 2:11pm | Report
Zero to Hero Stream

Hey guys,

I'm writing today to discuss the new project I have had an idea for quite some time now. I have never played HotS but always had an interest to watch stream's and event's when possible. I finally have a decent PC and equipment to stream now so will be entering the game and looking forward to doing so.

I love eSports and competing so I would like to maybe one day have a decent team to scrim and compete with but that's a long way off. The idea of mine is pretty simple I want to stream HotS daily to you guys so you can watch/help me achieve becoming a decent player I know this will take a lot of time but time is what I have. With my viewers being my coach from day one and guiding me through the game daily I can listen and play with you guys so I can improve and reach my goal. Please remember I have never played this game yet so the stream game quality want to at a high level as of yet but we will be talking about the game and maybe everyone can learn something not just me.

I want to know what you guys think of this idea? I'm coming into this late so I know I 'am far behind but I will reach my goal in becoming a top player. I hope you guys will enjoy the journey of me becoming a no body to maybe competitive player one day.

I will be starting the stream in the next 1/2 weeks, Right now the graphics and so on are being made ready for the 1st day I go LIVE!!

Thank you for reading this and I would love to hear your feedback on this. #Zero2Hero


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