HotS Video: HotS Hottest Plays #34

HotS Video Length 3:54 HotS Video Views 816
HotS video posted by balancedbreakfast
HotS Hottest Plays #34
Original Author: BalncdBrkfst
Added in Replays on Jun 17, 2015 by balancedbreakfast
Heroes of the Storm HotS Hottest Top 5 Plays of the Week Episode 34 : Highlighting the top epic plays from Heroes of the Storm. Top plays, big plays, epic plays, wombo combos and pro skills with commentary! Created by BalncdBrkfst

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If you would like to submit your play to be in the next HotS Hottest Plays, send the replay to [email protected] with the time at which your play appears!

Plays shown in this video:
#5 - Mission Impossible - Akuma (Sylvanas)
#4 - The Little Murloc That Could - Vita (Murky) Abathur
#3 - What Disadvantage? - PentaUnleash (Gazlowe), QuirkyTurtle (Zeratul_
#2 - Dodge Lvl: Matrix - NickC (Zeratul), Abathur
#1 - Guardian Angel - Gunter
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