HotS Video: Li Li The Broken OP Build

HotS Video Length 27:00 HotS Video Views 2,020
HotS video posted by DFxVader
Li Li The Broken OP Build
Original Author: DFx Vader
Added in Hero Guides on May 17, 2015 by DFxVader
Today I show off the stupid strong Li Li Build.
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Finceptor | May 22, 2015 9:29am
This thing destroyed! Thank the gods it got fixed! >.<
FourCourtJester (14) | May 19, 2015 11:07am
It was hotfixed yesterday
apeth | May 19, 2015 3:33am
Post the build then don't want to watch 26m video
moof | May 18, 2015 2:59pm
Yes, Broken indeed. I just ran this a few times, she's probably the tankiest hero in the game, with great damage, pursuit ability, disable, and utility to boot. Frequently had top damage, always had top heals.
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