HotS Video: Ranked Draft Bans, Lost Cavern (Dehaka Patch 17.0 Part 1)

HotS Video Length 21:47 HotS Video Views 943
HotS video posted by LeyzarGamingViews
Ranked Draft Bans, Lost Cavern (Dehaka Patch 17.0 Part 1)
Original Author: LeyzarGamingViews
Added in General Gameplay on Mar 23, 2016 by LeyzarGamingViews
Heroes of the Storm (Patch Review) - Ranked & Unranked Draft Bans, Lost Cavern ARAM Map (Dehaka Patch 17.0 Part 1)

Key Topics :
- Bans in Ranked and Unranked Draft
- New Hero Dehaka
- Lost Cavern custom games ARAM map
- Custom Quick Cast settings
- Updated Ranked Requirements
- Death Recaps

Official Patch Notes :

Where do I even start ? This patch came in with a flurry of changes, including 5 full hero reworks for Gazlowe, Sylvanas, Tychus, Kael'thas and Illidan (these will be covered in the second part). For now let's dive into bans, the new hero and battleground, more customization controls, death recaps... and the list goes on and on. One of the most comprehensive HotS Patches we have ever gotten, but I feel a lot of clean-up will be needed before the game is "balanced". Clearly we are on the right track and S1 cannot be to far off
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