HotS Video: Solo QM Gameplay - Dehaka, First Impressions

HotS Video Length 34:03 HotS Video Views 858
HotS video posted by Patinator
Solo QM Gameplay - Dehaka, First Impressions
Original Author: Patinator
Added in Hero Guides on Mar 21, 2016 by Patinator
NOTE: Somehow thought Lurker Strain and Numbing Eruption modified Brushstalker -- it modifies Burrow. Analysis below.

Lurker Strain: Can be used both offensively and defensively. You can burrow and then retreat safely or use it to position aggressively. Burrow while in a bush, then creep up to your target. Great if you're facing a lot of targeted abilities.

Numbing Eruption: Same as Lurker Strain -- flexible. Slow can be used to turn a fight or give you room to retreat.

Dehaka's here and he wants your essences.

Build: Regeneration Tank/Ambusher

Gameplay Starts: 14:10
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